I had my gallbladder removed in my early 20s. I think age has a lot to do with how quickly you recover. I felt 100% by day 4-5 after the surgery. There was no pain at the incision sites (I also had keyhole or laparaoscopic). I felt a little bloated and nauseous the night of the surgery but not bad. I was able to go home same day. The key to surgery recovery is taking it easy and not pushing yourself. You should ask your doctor for specifics, but I imagine nothing strenuous for a week will be the instruction.

You will probably notice some "adjusment" with your bowel habits as your body gets accustomed to a steady drip of bile into the GI tract instead of only after a meal. For me, the adjustment was brief and I had no long lasting issues like diarreah.

You'll be fine. It's a very common surgery.