Finally got through to my GP earlier today. My goals were to get a blood test sorted, to get a referral for a CT scan of abdomen region and organs therein and to get an increase in citalopram dosage from 10mg to 20mg. She will do bloods next Thursday and has increased Citalopram. However she has referred me for a colonoscopy even though I flat out said my anxiety is caused by nagging mid left back ache and a scan would help ease my anxiety if clear. Because of my gurgling stomach and mild diarrhae (soft stools last couple of weeks) she is scheduling colonoscopy first and said she would see after that. I had to go public on colonoscopy as it is expensive so that may take months. I don't mind having one as I have some very mild abdominal issues (possibly anxiety) and sometimes see blood on toilet paper (but have seen this on and off for years and previously it was caused by fissures). Anyway, I hope she is right and that my fears about pancreas/liver are not her main concern. I also hope there is no issue with colon but at my age, 44, I think it is no bad thing to get my first colonoscopy and hope there is no issue there. Finally I hope the increase in citalopram dosage will help me in fretting and ruminating less on this kind of stuff. I feel like a complete self-obsessed failure at times, going around obsessing about my symptoms in a worrisome mood. My son is 6 today and this is what I am doing - I am f**ked up!