Morning all, so yesterday wasn't a great one, the bloated stomach and sicky feeling was off the charts. I've had to go back on the lanzoperazole this morning.

Woke this morning and my stomach was huge, bloated and I couldn't stand anything touching it, I felt terrible. Took the lanzop and waited an hour then ate a banana and took my ven. It has settled a bit. I've lost well over a stone up to now with this.

Today I feel tired, a bit headachy and my body feels weak. Not getting too much anxiety this morning, more like a frustrated wound up, annoyed feeling.
I know the blood pressure meds I'm on can cause the tummy troubles so I will keep on with the lanzop and see if it helps.

Husband is at golf at the moment with the boys and we are going to visit some friends this afternoon so I'm pottering around trying to keep busy but it's hard when you feel pants and I keep getting wound up.

Ava x