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Thread: Feel very stuck

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Feel very stuck

    I have been on citalopram around 16 years 20mg. I was down to 10mg for around 2 years. Then stress from work my anxiety started going up until it came to a head and I was signed off sick from work. My anxiety was very high. I am now I am on 30mg . Have been on this dose 5 months. I feel very fuzzy headed. Some derealization. Low depression. Still anxious not so much physical anxiety but anxious thoughts . Have no motivation to do anything or see anyone. I go to work then spend my time in bed avoiding seeing anyone or going out. I'm anxious to feel anxious. I feel relaxed in bed watching tv but anything else spikes my anxiety so I feel stuck. I don't really want to go up to 40mg as I feel this may make me feel more tired and even more unmotivated. I feel like I'm just surviving every day rather then living . My doctor has suggested trying another medication but that just feels me with dread. Like what if the new medication makes me feel worse. I know my anxiety will make me feel very anxious to start a new med so I will be very vigilant for every side effect and constantlt checking how it is making me feel. Just feel so stuck. Anyone else felt like this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Feel very stuck

    Quote Originally Posted by happybunny13 View Post
    I have been on citalopram around 16 years 20mg. I was down to 10mg for around 2 years.
    The minimum effective citalopram dose for most is 20mg/day. Taking sub therapeutic doses for extended periods can increase the risk of the an AD pooping-out.

    Low depression

    ...I don't really want to go up to 40mg as I feel this may make me feel more tired and even more unmotivated.
    If it works taking 40mg is more likely to do the opposite of what you fear because what you've describe is a lot more than "low" depression.

    Like what if the new medication makes me feel worse.
    What if it doesn't? Of the available options doing nothing is the worst. Yes, you may feel worse for a week or two after switching, but there is a high probability that you will then begin to live again instead of merely surviving.

    I know my anxiety will make me feel very anxious to start a new med so I will be very vigilant for every side effect and constantlt checking how it is making me feel.
    I suggest you explain your fears to your GP - write them down so you don't forget anything - as there are ways of minimising any side-effects and the heightened anxiety that switching will likely trigger more because you're talking yourself into it than the meds themselves.

    Usually, switching overnight to an equivalent dose of the new SSRI causes few problems and the ones that do occur are typically short-lived, however, I think a more cautious slow cross taper may be the better option in your case. It should greatly minimise the severity of any side-effects and, more importantly, help build confidence in the process.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Feel very stuck

    Thank you very much for you're reply. Would you suggest going up to 40mg to see if that works first rather then switching? I've reduced my propranolol from 20mg in the morning to 10mg the last 2 days and my head feels clearer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Feel very stuck

    Quote Originally Posted by happybunny13 View Post
    Would you suggest going up to 40mg to see if that works first rather then switching?
    If it works going to 40mg would be the quickest option to getting you back to where you want to be. Will it work? No idea. My guess is it's a 50:50 chance. But there is no guarantee that whatever med your GP is thinking of changing you to will work either.

    I've reduced my propranolol from 20mg in the morning to 10mg the last 2 days and my head feels clearer.
    It should give you some extra energy.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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