Quote Originally Posted by Deepseathree View Post
My heart rate has been as low as 39 one night, but that seems to be a one off event. Though I'm typically mid 40s it seems. Resting is typically 50-60s.
If the readings are from a smart watch I wouldn't worry as they are far from reliable, but mention it to your doctor at the next consultation.

Could qt prolongation be a worry with starting and stopping Prozac as the side effects change the more I take it.
No. Don't get fixated on QT. It might, repeat might, be a factor in a very limited set of circumstances none of which seem to apply to you. SSRIs are often prescribed for heart attack survivors to treat the anxiety disorders and/or depression which many develop subsequently. SSRIs are also mild anticoagulants which can be a benefit for cardiovascular health.

I had an ekg a few days ago for something separate and was already back on Prozac for about 10 days, possibly more. So I would surmise something would've shown up there.

I also had a stress test amongst other things earlier this year before a stopped taking it.
Then you have solid evidence that fluoxetine isn't having a deleterious effect on your heart. You are at much higher risk of falling under the proverbial bus on your way to and from the pharmacy to fill the Prozac prescription than from the med itself.