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Thread: Twitching- ALL OVER body- vitamins?

  1. #1

    Twitching- ALL OVER body- vitamins?

    I know twitching is a well documented symptom on this forum, but just after a bit of advice….
    I had a severe (very severe) bout of HA in Feb/Mar. That was resolved, and I didn’t have excessive twitching with it. From about mid-May, I started experiencing muscle twitches in one leg, which quickly spread to other parts of my body. Since then I’ve had daily twitches all over my body, which are particularly bad when I’m resting. I’ve even woken up in the night and felt them ‘popping’ all over my body. When I’m moving during the day either they’re not happening, or I can’t feel them. I have not googled, and am very determined not to do so as I know very well Dr. Google will say it’s some horrible neurological disease like ALS/MND. Unfortunately the dreaded ALS/MND does keep creeping into the back of my mind, which of course makes me feel anxious, which in turn is no doubt making the twitches worse! But I know it can’t be 100% due to anxiety, as surely I wouldn’t feel them when I wake up in the middle of the night? Anyway, my question is, has anyone else had all over body twitches/buzzing, even during the night?
    And second question is, can anyone recommend vitamins/supplements to help get rid of it? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: Twitching- ALL OVER body- vitamins?

    Quote Originally Posted by MinnieMop View Post
    surely I wouldn’t feel them when I wake up in the middle of the night?
    Don't sell your mind or body short, Minnie! At my peak I was twitching everywhere and was definitely woken up by it.

    You've done the right thing by not Googling. If it were anything neurologically serious, you'd be having other symptoms that you couldn't ignore -- symptoms that never went away, never improved, and which got in the way of basic daily physical functioning. I won't list any of them, and you should be steadfast in not Googling. Even then, if you had other things wrong -- which I did!! -- the cause is heaps more likely to be something else. In my case, it was my silly thyroid + injury/standard middle aged wear and tear. Once I had that solid answer AND had done some serious therapy work AND started a baby dose of antidepressants, my brain and body figured themselves out. Do I still twitch? Yep!! Was twitching like mad in my sciatica twitchy spot earlier today, big squirmy dramatic continuous thumpers, until I got so annoyed I got up and walked around a little. My elbow also fired off last night for five min straight after I had the audacity to lean in it for 30 seconds while pouring a glass of water before bed.

    Is it annoying? You bet. Is it deadly or does it mean anything sinister? NOPE.

    Re: vitamins. I did find that Magnesium Glycinate before bed helped a bunch. Suggest truly taking it before bed otherwise you might fall asleep somewhere you don't intend, though!! Also, stay hydrated, cut back on coffee and tea and salt, keep getting (or add) gentle physical exertion, get outside and enjoy summer, and stay social. All that helped me tremendously.

    Good luck, come back and spread the hope when you're less twitchy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Twitching- ALL OVER body- vitamins?

    Same, I had muscle twitches all over my body for a year. Literally, constant! I tried all the vitamins under the sun thinking it might be vitamin deficiency.
    It wasn't. It was just anxiety. And no vitamins helped me. You just have to ride it out and try calming your nervous system down over time, then they will go away.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Twitching- ALL OVER body- vitamins?

    I get it all the time when I'm mildly dehydrated, or just a bit tired. Like full on fasculations I can see rippling under the skin, all over me. Last week it was my shoulder, chest and arm, today it's my abdomen. That one's a weird feeling!

  5. #5

    Re: Twitching- ALL OVER body- vitamins?

    Thank you for the replies, you are a lovely and supportive bunch!
    I’ll try the magnesium, thanks. Also although I don’t drink much caffeine (two cups of coffee per day) I am quite rubbish at drinking enough water so will increase that.
    Still not googling 😊😊

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