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Thread: How quickly can you be reinfected?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    How quickly can you be reinfected?

    Hi all - So, I had Covid back in May (as my various posts on here suggest). Last night my friend told me she tested positive. I'm in class with her so we were in the same classroom for a total of 6 hours this week and on Tuesday we were paired up for something so sitting next to each other talking for about 20 minutes. She was wearing a mask both days - she thought she just had a cold because she had tested negative. I feel like rationally, it doesn't make a lot of sense that I'd get infected again so soon. I went 10 months between my previous two infections. But, Covid is so weird. When I was sick in May my mom, who I was with for like 2 hours, got it, but my husband and daughter who live with me did not.

    I had a ton of head and ear pressure the week before testing positive last time and now I feel like that's happening again, but I know I could also be manifesting symptoms. I just do not want to have to deal with this again so soon for a host of obvious reasons. Has anyone been reinfected within 2 months? Or, alternatively, has anyone had a known exposure soon after an infection and not gotten sick?

    I guess I'll know either way pretty soon, but just hoping for some positive stories!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: How quickly can you be reinfected?

    Well, I have no idea what robbed me of my sense of smell back in April but everyone says "Covid" to me even though I tested negative, twice. But I had the same - or very similar - infection just three weeks later!

    In a way, if it was Covid I caught, it was genuinely in the league of "bad cold" which surprised me because I was absolutely convinced it would kill me. When I eventually told a doctor he unhelpfully suggested it was because I'm diabetic.

    As we've now all but stopped tracking the disease in the UK, I've no idea if there's any odd variants about - in fact, the NHS is now much more concerned about measles now due to poor uptake of the MMR vaccine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: How quickly can you be reinfected?

    It’s unlikely Erin, but not impossible I suppose? My daughter went 89 days (yes I counted) between covid.

    I just had it again & we started off with the same illness but she tested negative & I tested positive. So who knows? My partner didn’t catch it off us. I spent a day in the office with it & no-one caught it off me. So it really just depends.

    I hope you don’t get it & that you feel better soon xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: How quickly can you be reinfected?

    It's such a weird virus! When I had it in May my mom got it from me having only been with me for like an hour and my husband and daughter didn't get it. It would be 48 days between when I tested negative after my infection in May and my exposure this time, which seems very fast. I would also assume it's still the same strain. But, I'm feeling kind of run down! I will say I'm in the midst of writing a big paper and other school stuff, so stress isn't helping. Today is fay 5 since exposure, so I think if I don't have it in the next day or so I'll probably be in the clear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: How quickly can you be reinfected?

    I think you’re probably clear xx

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