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Thread: Are these panic attacks

  1. #1

    Are these panic attacks

    I started a new job in February, a job that I really wanted, that I was overjoyed to get. The first morning I woke up and felt strange. It began with me feeling hot, soaked through with sweat, then shivers. Then I started to feel sick, when I tried to speak I would loudly retch. Then I had several attacks of diarrhoea. The sweating and retching became worse until I was sick a few times. All of this was accompanied by a feeling of awful dread. I felt really weak and drowsy all the wag through.
    It’s now been 5 months. The longest I have been without this happening is 2 weeks. It’s now got worse and is happening every morning, and I don’t feel better until at least 3pm. I can’t eat or drink as it results in me retching until I throw up. I can’t be there for my children like I should be.
    It has been a stressful time, but these attacks are causing me the most stress.
    The only thing I am worried about is feeling the way I do, it stopping me getting into work and me then losing my job.
    I am either awake from 3am with sweats, shivers, retching or I wake up and it starts with 10 minutes.
    Is this a panic attack? My heart doesn’t race, I don’t feel like I’m dying or can’t breathe. I just feel incredibly faint and ill, like I have food poisoning? It’s now a Sunday and I should be out with the children, but now I seem to be getting these attacks daily. It’s like I have no control over my body, it’s just doing it’s own thing and I am clinging on, like a rider trying to stay in a spooked horse.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Are these panic attacks

    I have had symptoms similar to this with anxiety. Have you discussed these symptoms with your GP?

  3. #3

    Re: Are these panic attacks

    I have never had symptoms this bad before. The only other time I had this was on my sisters wedding day, my wedding day and maybe about 2 hours before my c-section. I say maybe because it felt very similar but it turned out to be the start of severe pre eclampsia.
    I have been on Sertaline and Quitiepine before and this worked, but it was depression rather than anxiety.
    I came off that about 7 years ago. When I tried to start Sertraline last year I ended up in hospital with suspected Serotonin Syndrome, which was quite frankly terrifying.
    I have been on MIRTAZAPINE for about 7 / 8 months but it has done nothing. In fact these attacks started while I was on it.
    The doctor is questioning peri menopause but I just don’t know. Today, for no reason at all I have been fine. Tomorrow…..who knows? There seems to be no trigger.

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