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Thread: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    When I'm going through a bad patch with my anxiety I really struggle with the heat. In all honesty I struggle with it anyway, but when I am feeling relatively calm I can do things that help me feel better. I drink plenty of water and always take water with me, cool showers, wearing natural fabrics, wear a hat if I'm in the sun, electric fan on full, limit physical activity; they all help.

    My son is currently on holiday in Croatia, it looks very beautiful.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    Quote Originally Posted by darlene85 View Post
    It wasn't always like that, that's why I feel guilty, I remember nights when I would go out even when it was so hot during the night, I was sweating and it was so crowded because I lived in a place where tourists come every year but at least I've had some kind of a life. I haven't had AC my whole life, this is the first summer that I have it and thank God for that because this summer is especially difficult for me.
    I was always afraid of heat and had some panic attacks, some very bad ones but this summer and last September it was much much stronger and that scared me.

    I won't go out this week except to the store early in the morning. I hope it will be ok with AC on. I still fear that AC will broke, I hope not, it's an irrational fear.

    I've had a really stressful year, my mother was three times in a hospital, two times she was in a critical condition and I called an ambulance even though we live in different cities and it was very traumatic experience. someone broke my heart too and I moved to another city and it's a lot. I guess that contributed to panic attacks.
    I suspect a lot of your current issues might very well be a result of subconscious hypervigilance largely stemming from the recent Covid pandemic, despite the fact that you haven't even mentioned anything about Covid in this particular thread, but were scared witless of it at other times in various other threads on here.

    Just out of interest, is the fear of Covid still an issue for you, especially as (for better or worse) it seems largely forgotten about in the media of late?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    Catkins, yes, it's really beautiful here even though I am in Zagreb, not on the coast anymore, but that's why I am struggling because I could go for a walk, the city is empty, but I can't...

    Lencoboy, I stopped wearing masks when the government ended the pandemic and I don't have that paralisyng fear anymore but it's funny that you've mentioned it because this morning at the post office some guy was sniffing, like he had a cold or something and I was feeling very uncomfortable thinking that I could catch Covid from him. But I don't think about it anymore, I mean, I was thinking about Covid for two years every single day when I was sitting at home, now I think of it just when someone coughs, I still can't feel comfortable around people who are showing signs of an infection.

    Maybe you are right. I thought that it wasn't connected, Covid wasn't on my mind at all when I was opening this thread, but maybe it's all connected.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    Quote Originally Posted by darlene85 View Post
    Catkins, yes, it's really beautiful here even though I am in Zagreb, not on the coast anymore, but that's why I am struggling because I could go for a walk, the city is empty, but I can't...

    Lencoboy, I stopped wearing masks when the government ended the pandemic and I don't have that paralisyng fear anymore but it's funny that you've mentioned it because this morning at the post office some guy was sniffing, like he had a cold or something and I was feeling very uncomfortable thinking that I could catch Covid from him. But I don't think about it anymore, I mean, I was thinking about Covid for two years every single day when I was sitting at home, now I think of it just when someone coughs, I still can't feel comfortable around people who are showing signs of an infection.

    Maybe you are right. I thought that it wasn't connected, Covid wasn't on my mind at all when I was opening this thread, but maybe it's all connected.
    Hence why I stated perhaps 'subconsciously', despite Covid in general barely figuring in the news of late.

    Plus there's still various other things that can cause sniffles that already existed pre-Covid since time immemorial, such as hayfever, and ordinary 'colds' in general, that hardly anyone has ever really batted an eyelid over in the grand scheme of things, apart from possibly being mistaken for Covid in 2020-21, of course.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    I am having a panic attack at home, AC is on, I was eating an ice cream and suddenly I started to feel weird, it was too cold and my mouth were frozen and the lightheadedness started. I am gonna have to change my meds, these aren't working anymore. I live alone and I am really scared to change meds but I am scared that I won't be able to control panic anymore.

    I think it's an accumulated stress over the years. Last year was really awful for me and then I moved and all problems with my mom and her health and I can't cope with all that anymore. I thought I am good but obviously I am not.

    The worst feeling is when I start to feel so stiff, I've even read about stiff syndrome and got so scared.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    I shouldn't have read the news, the same panic that was when pandemic was going on. I was outside yesterday for a short amount of time and I was on the edge, panicky. But it was only 29-30 C. I can't even think what would it be with me if I go out these days when it's 35-40. We ruined this planet. I am gonna be scared till the end of my life. That's pretty sad.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    What are you doing to manage your anxiety? This needs to be your focus here.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    I take my meds but they are not working when it's hot. I can't go to the doctor until it is a little bit colder. I don't know what else to do. I am not so anxious when it's not hot.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    You need to start working on some coping strategies. Meds are good, but you need to put the work in, too.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Panic attacks outside because of summer heat

    My main stress is that my mother keeps ending up in a hospital since I've left home. It was very difficult to live with her because she has schizophrenia so I finally moved out but since then those episodes keeps happening. She starts throwing up and her electrolytes become abnormal very fast. She ended up being unconscious and when she didn't answer the phone I called the police and ambulance and they found her unconcious covered in vomit. I live in another city. She is in the hospital now too and she was a week ago, it keeps happening but this time an ambulance took her before she was unconscious.

    I had a big trauma when I had to call the police and when they found her because doctors said that she was very close to death. They can't prevent that from happening, they told me that it could be due to her medication for schizophrenia but she has been taking it for 20 years and it strange that it causes a problem now. Her psychiatrist doesn't want to hear about that. I live in constant fear and she doesn't want to go to a nursing home. I feel like I will ruin myself and my health because of her and I moved out for that not to happen but it's still the same.

    Edit: They said that it is risperidone that causes that unfortunately. I am scared that she will be at very bad shape again and have paranoid thoughts when they take her off risperidone. My life is complete mess due to her illness and I don't know how to cope anymore.
    Last edited by darlene85; 17-07-23 at 15:30.

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