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Thread: Very scared of odd symptoms had last few months

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Very scared of odd symptoms had last few months

    Hi, didn’t know whether to post on here and looking for advice.
    Female age 46, started issues in February with sleep issues, tried everything from supplements to engaging in exercise. Also went to drs with raised blood pressure. They did tests came back low potassium. Repeated blood test and again low potassium came out. They recommended an ecg which I had and long story found I had to have this repeated with an eco gram and another blood test. Blood test came back potassium ok but bicarbonate was now an issue. Advised another blood test. Mind racing at this point over health..Start of May and I started with what can only be described as a thigh muscle pulsing feeling. I googled and low and behold fell into rabbit hole of MND. I also have an odd altered sensation on my right big toe. It’s like numb in parts or basically not the same feeling as left big toe.. also when pulled back (doing quad stretch) sharp pain. I tried various things to stretch muscle nothing happened and I think I panicked myself. Start of June started muscle twitching everywhere, I put this down to lack of sleep as wasn’t getting much. Then I had a muscle cramp or spasm in thigh, felt some numbness in part of left leg. Had pins and needles in hands and arms now it goes to right hand. Right hand feels sometimes stiff and achy at times. Felt calf muscles don’t feel right, like a tight band round them. Keep noticing dent in right calf and worrying if this is atrophy… then tingling on tongue and feel like tongue is being pushed against teeth and not feeling right, feels like it’s burnt sensation but not burnt it.. had lump feeling at back of throat. Twitches of muscles all over and jerk movements when resting. Got neuro appointment on Tuesday as massive worry over health.. feel like all i can relate this to is mND / Als so any advice welcome…

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Very scared of odd symptoms had last few months

    Most of us have fallen down the rabbit hole of googling. It's worth remembering that Google will give you the worst case scenario and not an accurate account of what's really wrong.
    Have you browsed through the symptom list on this Site? So many symptoms of anxiety.
    My guess is you've become super aware of every feeling that normally you might brush off.
    You did well to get things checked out and if it was something serious they would have told you.
    Some of the things you have mentioned I have experienced as others have.
    The doctor may suggest meds or supplements for anything low.
    Try to stay positive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Re: Very scared of odd symptoms had last few months

    Thank you for advice, i know not a consolation but does give me hope that I’m not the only one who has suffered with these types of symptoms.. there are times when you think you’re on your own so thank you for your advice!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Very scared of odd symptoms had last few months

    You are not alone on here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Re: Very scared of odd symptoms had last few months

    Quick update on symptoms, had neurologist appointment on Tuesday, he has said he thinks it’s health anxiety and if i want to have the emg test I can do but that was my choice… going to have this done but over last few days I am now experiencing the sensation of food getting stuck when swallowing, this seems to be every time I eat. My tongue has felt sore at the tip like it’s burnt sensation but haven’t burnt it…also feels like my tongue is being lazy and not got the usual strength… I feel that all I’m doing is thinking about these symptoms again ….Now very worried this is bulbar onset.. can not get out of this rabbit hole as more symptoms show up!
    many advice greatly received again! Scared!
    Last edited by VR007; 23-07-23 at 18:09.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Very scared of odd symptoms had last few months

    I’ve had a lot of oral problems for 2 yrs now since my mother and sister passed away, my latest fixture in my anxiety is a veins in tongue then I see a picture of a 10 year kid with veins in their tongue and many other people blood vessels and veins are needed too carry blood some are more prominent in some people, I had terrible thrush last year gone now had it before I’ve gone back too my old ways , what really added too it was dad near died in March from a fall had this flesh eating bug , three months out of hospital he back too normal, and he’s 84 yrs old but I still worried about him , but he just had been discharged from his checkup they told him he’s a very fit man , see anxiety depression stress runs your body down besides this I have my old tmj back , if it is that or all in my head take care

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