Quote Originally Posted by Lonely girl View Post
I@ve been taking Propanalol for over a year now in small doses daily but am having a really really bad health anxiety spiral atm and wondered if anyone has taken high doses and does it help? The sad thing about health anxiety is it stops you from being able to take anything to help you!
I take the 80mg slow release for 4 weeks now and it really helps me! Not so much mentally, I still have a lot of work to do. But it keeps me physically calm.
Last night I had what I would classify as my first anxiety attack in 4 weeks. I felt a few hot flashes going through me, and a bit like I was going to pass out. But my heart never reached 100 (high 90s, and being used to 60's now that freaked me out for a second until I realized I used to think 90's was slow. So get a grip!) And the other symptoms were also much less than before, and the whole thing lasted about 20 minutes and was over.
So it does really help with keeping my body calm. And that itself is worth it's weight in gold!