I would always say you can take great comfort in the knowledge that your HA situation isn't unique, all of these behaviours are bringing you down a well worn path that most of us here can relate to. But I do think it's helpful as well to get to know your anxiety personally, what triggers it (stress, tiredness, even happiness!) and what does it make you do? One time I was battling not to look for reassurance about a particular symptom, and I purposefully let my anxiety win, but actually observed my beahviours as well. I realised when I couldn't fit my symptom into the disease I wanted, my google search terms were getting wider and wider in order to find some kind of a link until there it was - a brief mention in some obscure report and that was all I needed... But because I had seen what my HA was driving me to do it really helped combat the irrational thoughts.

I think professional help really is key as you need to be taught proper techniques to be able to work your way through it. I wish it was as easy as me saying "just stop googling" and you never google again, but everyone is different and what works for one won't work for another. But just be aware that there are a lot of us, and a lot of us who have gotten control over this so don't feel like you're the odd one out!