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Thread: Those of you with diviticulitis

  1. #1

    Those of you with diviticulitis

    How was it for you? I have never been diagnosed with anything, only IBS. Last time I went for a colonoscopy the Dr actually refused to do it as my symptoms had cleared up. During an IBS flare I did have a stool sample check for inflammation but that came back completely fine, so the Drs were happy to rule out IBD. I've also had coeliac disease ruled out.

    I only wonder about Diviticulitis because sometimes I think my IBS might be a little too much? Like right now I'm in a flare up where my stools are either loose or just water (been going on for like 2 weeks). I've never had blood in my stool or had pain that wasn't fixed by passing gas/bowel movement. I wouldn't say my pain is stuck to the left side either, when I get an IBS attack it just burns all across my bottom abdomen.

    Anyone else here been diagnosed with IBS but turned out to be Diviticulitis? What were your symptoms?

    Last edited by Ambierain; 09-08-23 at 16:22.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Those of you with diviticulitis

    I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis a few years ago. I was sick as a dog and went to the ER in an ambulance. While I've had instances of evacuation issues since, I don't believe I've been misdiagnosed. I just deal with the issue. Diet is the key.

    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 09-08-23 at 16:49.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3

    Re: Those of you with diviticulitis

    Hello, I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis. Oh it’s not nice. Pain ++ high temp feeling ill lasts a few days until antibiotics kicked in but the pain has continued intermittently and can take a while to calm down, I ended up in A and E. Of course the HA has reared its ugly head too and am now deep down that rabbit hole yet again. Am so annoyed as was beginning to improve from the exhausting roller coaster of health anxiety until the diverticulitis illness. Have follow up appt with Dr tmrw to see if I need colonoscopy. The diverticulitis was diagnosed by CT scan after DR at A and E said he thought could be ovarian cancer??. I cannot tell you how dreadful I’ve felt ever since he said that. Upset, fearful and every twinge pain etc (which is likely to be related to diverticular disease but now am worried it’s something else that the CT scan missed. - What is wrong with me ? Of course scan would have seen anything untoward and they would have told me and not kept it from me) but that’s what this HA does to us and I have crippling HA atm, so there it is and I just have to get past it. Now…, like everyone else on this site, this behaviour is just not me. Am retired, so think I’ve got too much time to think now. I have counselling session this week too. I have learned from the counselling that acceptance and being kind to oneself is also key to healing. Such a waste of energy and so so tiring. HA is your brain saying I am frightened, and actually I am frightened of my body. How bad is that? I too want to find the person I used to be, before this. The search goes on. Sending hugs and positive vibes to all and so good to read other people’s thoughts and experiences - very helpful.

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