Quote Originally Posted by Catkins View Post
Glad you're feeling OK PM.

Lenco don't worry, I don't think they will back any restrictions. It's just going to be treated like any other virus now.
You're probably right Catkins. It's probably likely that this current strain won't amount to too much compared to previous ones, plus the fact that the current round of jabs started to be doled out from yesterday (Monday 11th Sept), and they will inevitably find more infections from now on due to advance testing that needs to be done ahead of the jabs in care homes and the like, but if said jabs still hadn't yet started these latest Covid cases would probably had barely even figured in the media.

Although they're saying it's still early days as yet (though I don't personally think that over 4 or so weeks is that early now), BA.2.86 still isn't designated a 'variant of concern' (VOC), and up until now there still hasn't yet been any BA.2.86-specific deaths officially confirmed, plus only a handful of BA.2.86-specific hospitalisations recorded so far.

PM, it's nice to know that despite you still testing positive, it's so far amounted to very little for you. I was still testing positive myself for over a week after my first positive LFT with the original BA.2 back in February 2022 and basically turned out to be much ado about nothing in the end as it felt like nothing more than a normal cold for me.

Most other people I know at present (plus my dad) now seem to believe that there's no real point in bringing back the restrictions like we had in 2020-21, especially as a; we now have vaccines for Covid which we didn't have until the end of 2020-start of 2021 and b; it's now all about learning to live with Covid, just like we've learned to live with basically a gazillion other everyday 'threats' and 'hazards'. In fact, probably most of us are now once again statistically far more likely to get killed in car crashes than die of Covid, which most people don't normally give as much as a second thought to.