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Thread: Constant nervous/excitement feeling driving me up the wall am I going crazy?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Constant nervous/excitement feeling driving me up the wall am I going crazy?!

    For the past two/three weeks I’ve been having this weird adrenaline feeling, it’s mostly in my stomach/chest area, it feels like I’m about to go on a rollercoaster but my heart rate doesn’t rise and I don’t panic, it also feels like I want to laugh for no reason at times, it’s making me terrified something is seriously wrong in my body.

    I did visit my GP but she just said I’m stressed which yes it’s true but I only wanted a blood test to check my thyroid, iron levels etc as I’ve been anaemic in the past and I guess I worry about my thyroid as it’s more common in women under 40 (I’ve just turned 34) who have had stressful life events (I also have PTSD and GAD).

    I’ve tired exercise, meditation, eating well, sleeping well but it keeps coming back, it’s especially weird as I’m used to an adrenaline rush with feelings of doom and then panic not this weird excited nervous feeling but no panic, I feel like I’m loosing it mentally, because I can’t tell if it’s just another anxiety symptom or something else is up with my body, like I say my heart rate doesn’t even rush when it happens, which you’d think with adrenaline it would, then I start worrying about adrenaline tumours etc.

    I’ve have had stress recently, was in a small car crash on holiday which was really scary even though it wasn’t bad, my partner got suspended from work, and my ex has been manipulating my daughter and she’s coming home with a bad attitude towards me.

    Can anyone relate to me? I feel crazy, lonely and so isolated. I don’t want to bother my partner as he’s had enough on recently, he does know how I feel and tries to help but I’m just stuck in this weird symptom.
    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be?”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: Constant nervous/excitement feeling driving me up the wall am I going crazy?!

    Yes I pretty much have a constant feeling like this in my chest and strangely my neck.

  3. #3

    Re: Constant nervous/excitement feeling driving me up the wall am I going crazy?!

    I had this for ages
    My heart rate wasn't high but I felt constantly nervous or like I'd had a strong coffee.
    My chest was fluttering. My heart missed beats.
    It felt like waves of adrenaline were rushing though me sometimes.
    It was anxiety. Took months to get right
    But I've been fine now for around three weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Constant nervous/excitement feeling driving me up the wall am I going crazy?!

    I have this on and off, mine is like an internal muscle vibration feeling in my abdomen/chest. A good walk usually settles it for a while ( I guess uses up that excess adrenaline).

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