Quote Originally Posted by Jojomoon View Post
Nobody ever told me about serotonin making u feel cold, can I ask where you read this as it's reassuring me a little that I'm not going mad or making it up.
Feeling cold, or, more often, hot, are fairly common initial side-effect of most SSRIs and SNRIs, including duloxetine. You can find lists of AD side-effects online by googling the name of the med + side-effects. I usually use www.drugs.com, it's duloxetine list is at https://www.drugs.com/sfx/duloxetine-side-effects.html under "Other". However, I suggest that these lists not be read as they all to often ensure readers with anxiety disorders begin developing most of the symptoms. Anxious minds are very adept at creating our worst nightmares if given half a chance.

Serotonin's effect on blood vessel tone is well known, google: serotonin+"blood vessel tone"

Serotonin is also a critical component for stemming blood loss and healing wounds after injury. Most of the body's serotonin is stored in blood platelets.

I agree I have to continue taking the medication. I have been on it 3 weeks so it really isn't enough time,
While some report a response within 2-3 weeks this usually owes more to the placebo effect than pharmacology for it takes about 7 weeks for brain cells to bud, grow and mature, though some improvement may occur earlier.

2. Still feel depressed, low in motivation and energy
SSRIs/SNRIs tend to be more effective anti anxiety than anti depression meds and many find anxiety lifts several weeks before their depression does.

But part of me still thinks I should've just gone to talking therapy and somehow cured myself without medication. However, I know it isn't true as they have said I'm not even stable enough to access talking therapy yet.
The cognitive, behavioural (CBT, REBT, etc) and mindfulness therapies can be at least as effective as ADs and should be considered once you've stabilized. ADs plus therapy is often more effective than each alone.

it's a rocky road and I feel so defeated and alone.
They say it's always darkest just before the dawn. You'll be fine. You just need to give the med time to weave its 'magic'.