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Thread: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

  1. #11

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    Thank you for your answer. I know that this dragon is controlling my life and is trying to cling on something but it is damn hard to fight back. By the way, our neighbors called today, their pipes run through ours too and they told us our toilet is clogged lol, now boom another anxiety wave, what if it is a bat that clogged the pipes and now water is not going out. Constant circle

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    I'm sure if a bat did bite you, you would feel more than just something on your backside's muscle. You would feel the bat's wings and fur as well. Did you hear any water splashing about? My next-door neighbour has bats living in their loft, and I've watched bats fly around a lot. They aren't the best flyers in the world; they are extremely panicky. If there was a bat in your toilet, I'm sure it would have done more to make you aware it was there.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    My parents have a little guest house that is very old and occasionally wildlife gets in (mainly snakes and bugs). I've seen a frog in the toilet out there once! But of course a frog is much more likely to hang around in a toilet than a bat, and even though it was tiny it was absolutely noticeable (lucky for the frog I noticed him before I used the toilet, lol).

    Bats actually can swim, in large ponds or lakes, but they don't make a habit of floating around in water and Keith is right - if there had been one in your toilet you absolutely would have noticed. If not before you went, certainly after, since it's not like they would just vanish into thin air or swim down the pipes.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  4. #14

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    You are right, the only thing i felt was like my skin was being pulled or just getting stuck in between something, that kind of feeling, the thing is that there was toilet paper in the water, could it have hidden under the toilet paper or this is another absurd thing i am thinking. No there was no water splash as far as I remember, i would have panicked if there was. Thanks

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    Quote Originally Posted by Fear7888 View Post
    You are right, the only thing i felt was like my skin was being pulled or just getting stuck in between something, that kind of feeling, the thing is that there was toilet paper in the water, could it have hidden under the toilet paper or this is another absurd thing i am thinking. No there was no water splash as far as I remember, i would have panicked if there was. Thanks
    Respectfully, having seen pages of threads/posts like this in my time on the forum, 'absurd' is an understatement. It's apparent that logic and reality are lost on you at this time due to your anxiety. Reassurance is useless as illustrated by your replies. I would seek real life professional help to help you deal with and overcome the irrationality of your thoughts.

    Positive thoughts

    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 09-10-23 at 16:22.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #16

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    Thank you for answering until now. May I show you the picture of that spot and you look at it and just tell me if this is a bite or not, or does it look like a burst out blood vessel on my muscle (bruise)??? No scabs or peeling off, i just feel like there is something there when i touch it, like irritation or something, hurts a little but maybe its because of my picking or something on it. Thank you
    Last edited by nomorepanic; 10-10-23 at 20:59. Reason: pictures removed

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    Back when I was in the grips of what seemed to be OCD caused by severe vitamin deficiencies, I had pretty much the exact same scenario as you did....toilet seat and all! I was beside myself with worry, thinking I wouldn't see the next Christmas. Search this section for my post about a bat hiding under my toilet seat, and you'll probably identify with some of the fantastical thought processes I went through. I was so sure a bat had bitten me.

    It was just a nerve firing off on my skin when I sat down. And irritated hair follicles. The OCD phobia took that sensation and turned it into a possible bat hiding under the toilet seat, biting me, and getting flushed away. No such thing happened, but I spent weeks and weeks obsessing over it. I even considered taking the bathroom extractor fan apart to check for any entrance points for bats. It put a massive strain on my relationship too, because he had to watch me obsess over a fictitious bat biting my arse.

    Those marks on your skin look like irritated hair follicles, and one even looks like a freckle. Bat bites, especially from small brown ones that end up in houses on rare occasions, don't leave a mark for very long at all, despite what the internet likes to show. I'm sure you've googled bat bites and seen the two perfect vampire pin pricks etc. Most of those are actually stock images of snake bites, bug bites, mrsa, pimples, and random posts from people with anxiety.

    A little bit of logic, just so you can try to refocus your attention to getting in touch with a professional:

    - Bats can't really cling to the smooth porcelain of a toilet, they need something with friction, like a wall, or curtains etc. It would be down in the water splashing around in a panic, or very dead, very quickly. They have demanding metabolisms, so expending any energy without eating a bunch of bugs wears them out FAST. Often, when a bat ends up in a house, it flies around like crazy, all confused and scared, then finds a place like a curtain to rest.
    - They don't like swimming in a tiny, terrifying toilet bowl (would any of us?). They can swim yes, but it's not something they actively do, they'll just do it if they have to. It makes them too vulnerable to predators to go for a relaxing dip. You'd notice it in the toilet bowl. Our brains are wired to see things out of the ordinary. It would catch your attention to see a bat in the water.
    - Most species can't take off from the ground - they have to hang from a height to drop and then fly. So if one was on your toilet, it wouldn't be able to do much but sit there which you would most definitely notice.
    - They don't seek you out to bite you. Even sick ones tend usually crawl off into a quiet place, or sit there, not moving, unless you touch them or pick them up. Most bites from sick bats have been from somebody handling or disturbing them.
    - You're imagining that a bat managed to cling to the slippiest thing possible, find your skin, bite you, and then disappear soundlessly into water. They're not that nimble. They're actually pretty awkward when not flying in the air.
    - Pretty gross to think about but...a bat that clogs your pipes would have to be pretty massive. There are plenty of other substances that go down that pipe which are larger than a little brown bat...but probably the same colour

    Like everyone else here has suggested, you should try to find a professional to talk to about this. As somebody who lived in that mental prison for months, I get how consuming it can be. You owe it yourself to break free of that.

  8. #18

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    Hi and thank you very very much, you do not know how much I appreciate your answer, you actually give details further why it could not happen and you have been in my situation too. The pipe thing that got clogged was actually a plumbers mistake because they did not connect the pipes to the main pipes and the water was not going anywhere so that was the problem, it is resolved now. Also, this happened while i was sleepy, i was starting to fall asleep but my stomach said no and then i went to the bathroom but then when this happened, i was alert, would i have not noticed the bat if i was sleepy or adrenaline would have woken me right away????

    About the bat in the toilet bowl, I know it is something that does not happen and still i get scared, i get scared even more when i remember there were toilet papers there, so maybe it was hiding in there??? But at the same time a bat which is the size of my phone bits me and just goes dives back deeper in the toilet bowl and it the pipes???? Fantasy everywhere. The other thing i think is maybe it bit me somehow hid and i flushed it down the toilet and it was just gone.

    This picture i cant say if it is the exact location of the sensation that i felt but i saw this two marks and wanted to share it here.

    Could straining cause blood vessels to burst because some people told me the sensation could have been a blood vessel bursting???

    Thank you again very very much for your answer.
    Last edited by Fear7888; 11-10-23 at 02:46.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    Might want to take the time and read this thread WR mentioned. I think you'll find something very familiar in the train of thought and replies.

    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 11-10-23 at 02:12.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #20

    Re: A weird scenario but i need some advice. Possible bat bite

    Thanks for this, I took a look at this and boy it is scary, fortunately where i live, bats are not known to be but in my county, they are often found rabid. Also, this scenario happened while i was sleepy, i was starting to fall asleep but my stomach said no and then i went to the bathroom and i was sleepy, but when this happened, i was alert, would i have not noticed the bat if i was sleepy or adrenaline would have woken me right away when this happened??? Sorry again for all the questions.

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