Quote Originally Posted by WorryRaptor View Post
You're correct, they are not, as the risk is still incredibly low to the pubilc, but it is very closely monitored. You are still advised to seek medical advice if you wake with a bat in your room though. I'm interested in bat conservation, so I read a lot of the stuff that comes along with that. I was using it to illustrate my point about now being able to sleep with my windows open after suffering the same OCD phobia that Fear7888 is currently experiencing
Well that obviously explains it then.

But if this so-called ' bat virus' was considered a major public health concern and a possible candidate for a 'state of emergency' situation then many journalists throughout the country would for dead cert be having an epic field day and inadvertently putting the fear of God into us over it.

Although it's allegedly been having a bit of a resurgence of late, and for better or worse, Covid in general is still being kept relatively low-key by the vast majority of media outlets in this country, but nevertheless, I was offered my latest Covid and flu jabs simultaneously yesterday afternoon; each one in each arm, and was down my local GP practice in a heartbeat, even though I haven't been losing any sleep over Covid for the best part of the past 2 years now.