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Thread: Uterine polyp and ovarian cyst?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Uterine polyp and ovarian cyst?

    I had a pelvic ultrasound a few days ago and my doctor rang me yesterday with the results (wasn't expecting her to but glad she did)

    They found a polyp on my uterus so I'll have to get that removed. Don't know how long I'll be waiting to get that done but it will be a while I'd say

    They also said they found what they think is a cyst on my left ovary. They recommended a follow up in 3 to 6 months.
    My doctor wants me to go in to her next week and she said she'll do a blood test and check for an ovarian cancer marker. Of course once she said the c word I completely panicked. She told me not to be too concerned about it, that she's only doing the test to be absolutely sure. But having health anxiety, it doesn't work that way.

    I'm trying really hard to stay calm but what's getting to me is that they said they think it's a cyst. They didn't say it's definitely one.
    The doctor also said something about it might go away itself. I can't remember if she was talking about the polyp or the cyst at this stage. I think it was the cyst. Can that happen with them? Can they sometimes go away themselves?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Uterine polyp and ovarian cyst?

    Yes the cyst can go away by itself and the very fact that they are watching & waiting is because they think it probably will. If not, they may continue to watch it.
    Cysts are very normal.

    I went through this a few years ago, but was referred directly to a gynaecologist/oncologist. All was well and my cyst dissolved about a year or two later. My cyst we think was “debris” from my C-section maybe.

    You’ll find many posts on cysts. It might be an idea to read them instead of googling because I can tell you from experience that Google was not my friend when I had one.

    The ca125 test is a marker that is not always reliable, so please keep that in mind if your number is high. That’s what I’ve come to learn from my googling days.

    I’m around if you have questions or want to talk xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Uterine polyp and ovarian cyst?

    Thanks for your reply Scass. I won't be googling anything anyway, that's for sure. Been down that road way too many times, have read so many things that I simply wish I could just unread.
    I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for the blood test so I'll have a quick chat with her as well about the cyst and polyp and also the blood test marker.

    You must have got such a fright when you were referred to the oncologist. Can't imagine what must have been going through your head at the time.

    Can I just ask a quick question, maybe you Scass or someone else might know? I'm just in a bit of a panic mode about my periods and everything around that. I'm currently on my period, today is day 4. I'm still bleeding, but when I went to the bathroom a while ago there appeared to be what looked like discharge / mucus when I wiped. And it was red. Is it normal to have bloody discharge / mucus during a period? I've never noticed it before but I'm definitely on high alert at the moment about it all

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Uterine polyp and ovarian cyst?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenGirl View Post
    I had a pelvic ultrasound a few days ago and my doctor rang me yesterday with the results (wasn't expecting her to but glad she did)

    They found a polyp on my uterus so I'll have to get that removed. Don't know how long I'll be waiting to get that done but it will be a while I'd say

    They also said they found what they think is a cyst on my left ovary. They recommended a follow up in 3 to 6 months.
    My doctor wants me to go in to her next week and she said she'll do a blood test and check for an ovarian cancer marker. Of course once she said the c word I completely panicked. She told me not to be too concerned about it, that she's only doing the test to be absolutely sure. But having health anxiety, it doesn't work that way.

    I'm trying really hard to stay calm but what's getting to me is that they said they think it's a cyst. They didn't say it's definitely one.
    The doctor also said something about it might go away itself. I can't remember if she was talking about the polyp or the cyst at this stage. I think it was the cyst. Can that happen with them? Can they sometimes go away themselves?
    Cysts can and often do go away. I’ve also had and continue to have the CA125 blood test. As said by another person here, it is not a reliable test and can be raised simply by a period, harmless cysts etc.

    I understand your fears though as the CA125 test is what started my health anxiety. When I asked the nurse what the test was and why my raised numbers were a concern she said ‘it’s a tumour marker’. That’s about 7 years ago and I remember the words clearly.

    A polyp is also quite normal at your age. The consultant thought I had one and told me it wasn’t a concern. Turned out I didn’t have one and it was my uterus which is an unusual shape.

    The bloody mucus you mention is something I’ve had towards the end of my period.

    You will be fine. Try not worry.

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