Hey guys, sorry for not responding for so long. Yes, I had another EMG done 3 wks ago today and everything was NORMAL again!!!!!! This was such a relief and I had a huge anxiety reduction for about 2 wks. I am sad to say that I have had a set back in my anxiety as I starting developing some new symptoms in my right hand and arm. All this time (14 months) my right arm and hand have been completely normal and strong. 1.5 wks ago I starting developing some feelings of weakness in my R shoulder, forearm and back of hand out of nowhere. Still not dropping anything but I feel like Im going to. My wife states my symptoms all started due to me restarting one of my online games and I was getting stressed and angry because I wasn't winning (Im very competitive). But with the onset of these symptoms, my rabbithole has been reopened and my anxiety as once returned. I HATE THIS! Health anxiety sucks!!!! And too add to my frustrations and anxiety I have been having more muscle twitching to my right calf and left cheek. I reached out to the Neuro who did my EMG and he told me that if there was anything that had been developing behind the scenes the EMG would have picked it up, this was reassuring. So here I am back at square one I feel like.