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Thread: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure please?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    He was like saying oh well 'it shouldnt get stuck in your breathing pipe' and' it shouldnt cause issues with breathing' There are risks and then went on to list them which completely freaked me out! then he was like well anxiety will make you believe anything anyway and it is not one thing then it will be another' He was rushing me and like saying' well its up to you' Also when i was asking lots of questions about what drug they give you for sedation he was huffing and puffing and i said i was worried about feeling weird and not in control to which he said 'well it will make you feel weird thats to be expected'.. I just felt that he was really exasperated by my questions, there is no way i could let him do the procedure with his attitude it would make me worseQ Thanks again you are so lovely and thoughtful. i dont know what i would do without people like yourself on this site you are all amazing x

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    Oh you could see he was irritated by my anxiety and had already thought that this was probably causing my issues. He was like 'it shouldnt affect your breathing' when I said i was worried about the sedative making me feel weird and out of control he said well it probably will make you feel weird! Why not just say it will help you to relax and it you wont remember anything and that it will really help. I said that i was worried about the throat spray too as i would feel panicky with my throat being numb he just said well yes it probably will then. I then asked about having it done without the spray and he said he didnt think i would cope. Hence why i suggested i try Lansoprazole for a couple of weeks to see if my symptoms settle before considering the endoscopy. He also said that he didnt think they would find anything but he couldnt guarantee it and that my bloods were all good (which was a good part). The thing is i will now not be on the urgent pathway for the scope and will have to wait if i need one. I am kind of thinking if it was something sinister it would show in my bloods and that if i have an ulcer, gastritis or an inflammation they would have put me on a PPI anyway to heal it. Thank you again x

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    I'm sorry about the experience. No one should be treated like that.

    I know you are no longer getting the endoscopy done anytime soon, but if you do, I just want to say that I had similar fears about the sedative. Most sedatives that I have had in the past for various surgeries have had some unpleasant side effects: headaches, nausea, and/or extreme drowsiness upon waking. I have to say that the sedative that they used for my endoscopy (Propofol- the Michael Jackson drug) was by far the best sedative I have ever been knocked out with. When I woke up, I wasn't nauseous or super drowsy and I didn't have a headache. In fact, I felt like I had gotten some of the most relaxing sleep ever. It was quite enjoyable. 10/10 would do an endoscopy again if that is what they knock me out with.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    I had it done 4 years ago. Had the sedation which was fabulous. I remember nothing until they were just removing it. What a relief as I had been so worried. Getting it done again next week
    Feel the Fear but do it anyway - (Susan Jeffers)

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