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Thread: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

  1. #1

    Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    It started in 2018 with a dull pain in the upper right part of my abdomen. Everyone said it must be gallstones or something, but the ultrasound showed nothing, the pain went away after a few weeks. The same thing happened again two more times (2021, 2022): weeks of dull pain in the right upper abdomen, labs, ultrasound, nothing found. Three years ago I even had a colonoscopy, which was negative. My labs are normal. And now it has started again, but worse than before. In addition to the right upper abdomen pain, there is a tight sensation from the right upper abdomen to the left upper abdomen. It's like bloating, only in the upper part of my abdomen (I used to only have it in my lower abdomen). I have no other symptoms, no diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea. Now I'm going back for labs, ultrasound. What do you think is wrong with me? I am so tired with this and also very anxious :(

  2. #2

    Re: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    I have exactly the same since October.

    I've had CT scans, xrays, ultrasounds, endoscopy and colonoscopy and labs. Nothing found except incidental lower than average platelets which isn't an issue

    I wish I could help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    Does it coincide with periods of stress/anxiety? I say this because when I'm anxious it always hits me in my digestive tract, I have reflux anyway but it's always worst when I have a flare up of anxiety.

  4. #4

    Re: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    I often have digestive problems when I don't get enough sleep. Especially when I stay up late for a long time. Hope you find the cause and things will get better.

  5. #5

    Re: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    Quote Originally Posted by pirossapkaskukta View Post
    It started in 2018 with a dull pain in the upper right part of my abdomen. Everyone said it must be gallstones or something, but the ultrasound showed nothing, the pain went away after a few weeks. The same thing happened again two more times (2021, 2022): weeks of dull pain in the right upper abdomen, labs, ultrasound, nothing found. Three years ago I even had a colonoscopy, which was negative. My labs are normal. And now it has started again, but worse than before. In addition to the right upper abdomen pain, there is a tight sensation from the right upper abdomen to the left upper abdomen. It's like bloating, only in the upper part of my abdomen (I used to Run 3 have it in my lower abdomen). I have no other symptoms, no diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea. Now I'm going back for labs, ultrasound. What do you think is wrong with me? I am so tired with this and also very anxious :(
    Some individuals experience chronic abdominal pain without any detectable structural abnormalities. Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or functional dyspepsia could be considered. These conditions are diagnosed based on specific criteria and the presence of symptoms over time.

  6. #6

    Re: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    Quote Originally Posted by oystersreal View Post
    I often have digestive problems when I don't get enough sleep. Especially when I stay up late for a long time. Hope you find the cause and things will get better to host event & sell tickets online

    I wish i could recover from this pain

  7. #7

    Re: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    Quote Originally Posted by pirossapkaskukta View Post
    Candy Crush said:It started in 2018 with a dull pain in the upper right part of my abdomen. Everyone said it must be gallstones or something, but the ultrasound showed nothing, the pain went away after a few weeks. The same thing happened again two more times (2021, 2022): weeks of dull pain in the right upper abdomen, labs, ultrasound, nothing found. Three years ago I even had a colonoscopy, which was negative. My labs are normal. And now it has started again, but worse than before. In addition to the right upper abdomen pain, there is a tight sensation from the right upper abdomen to the left upper abdomen. It's like bloating, only in the upper part of my abdomen (I used to only have it in my lower abdomen). I have no other symptoms, no diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea. Now I'm going back for labs, ultrasound. What do you think is wrong with me? I am so tired with this and also very anxious :(
    One possibility is that the pain could be related to gastrointestinal issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or functional dyspepsia. These conditions can cause recurring abdominal pain without any specific findings on imaging or lab tests.

  8. #8

    Re: Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness

    1212 angel number said:
    One possibility is that the pain could be related to gastrointestinal issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or functional dyspepsia. These conditions can cause recurring abdominal pain without any specific findings on imaging or lab tests.

    This could also potentially be chronic pancreatitis. I don't hear many people bringing it up, but it's definitely something that could be going on, especially if you've noticed losing weight or having really greasy or "oily" stool. A friend of mine actually went through it and it was no joke, let me tell you. It really took its toll on her.

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