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Thread: MS Fears

  1. #1

    MS Fears

    For the last 3 months I’ve been dealing with a pinched nerve in my neck causing the left arm and hand to tingle, it’ll also cause numbness and pain.

    This has caused nothing but the most intense anxiety, since it’s healing slowly, I’ve been hypersensitive and obsessing about it, worrying it’s actually MS, etc. I’m an extreme hypochondriac (but functional, nobody knows in my friend group, professional life except my spouse who I torture daily asking if I’m slurring or if this or that symptom is a stroke or MS), I have new symptoms weekly and rotate around heart attack, cancer, stroke and MS every few weeks.

    In the last two weeks however, now my RIGHT hand has been tingling, it’s not similar to what my left hand feels, it’s more subtle and similar to the anxiety tingling I get in my face. It’ll tingle if I press my fingers against something like a kitchen counter or whatever. Also I’m feeling very small internal vibrations, sometimes they’re worse when trying to sleep. Also feeling my muscles are twitching more, or maybe it’s my heart beat. It’s very subtle either way. I’ve also woken up a few times the last couple months with a blurry dry eye that fades after 30 mins or so

    I can’t stop worrying I have MS.

    I had an EMG nerve and needle test done last week and waiting for results, also had a MRI of spine which showed the cervical issue, and I’m getting a CT scan of my spine to further narrow it down. I’m just so ****ing freaked I have MS, or Parkinson’s or something.

  2. #2

    Re: MS Fears

    Dead forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: MS Fears

    Well it's not dead we just don't know what to say to be honest.

    You are getting tests etc done so trust in them.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  4. #4

    Re: MS Fears

    Hang in there!
    I had the same thing. Pinched neck nerve, but potentially MS.
    I couldn't feel half of my left hand at all at first, scared myself to death. Anxiety showed up, got pins and needles all over with temporary loss of sensation in legs. It was horrible, I was SURE I had MS.
    Had the EMG, which was clear, and that's a bad thing, because it meant it wasn't a nerve. Had an MRI, MS was ruled out. They told me it always shows on an MRI, it lights up like a christmas tree.
    Cervical spine is a mess, but no MS.

    SO! What was it?
    Probably a piched nerve that healed, but my anxiety made phantom symptoms appear.
    We're a fun buch, aren't we?

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