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Thread: Food-related anxiety threads?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Food-related anxiety threads?

    I'm not quite sure where to post this thread on here, as there doesn't appear to be any food-related specific sub-sections on this forum.

    For many years I've been a rather picky eater but there are 2 food items I absolutely cannot stand; both the taste and smell.

    One is eggs; regardless of formulation/presentation and the other is salt and vinegar flavour crisps.

    In the past, I've been blatantly told that I'm anti-social and selfish because I admitted my hatred of such dishes, especially the smell while people are eating them in close proximity.

    In fact, this one staff member at my previous day centre told me that nearly everyone else in this country loves eggs and salt and vinegar crisps and why should I be so dictatorial?

    Firstly, I don't blatantly dictate to what others eat and drink, but it's when people absentmindedly impose the strong smells of such dishes (and sometimes loud eating sounds) on me seemingly without a care in the world that I personally find objectionable. Ditto for people absentmindedly having loud conversations in their phones in public places, though that's another story.

    Secondly, did that staff member actually know of any official stats to prove that eggs and salt and vinegar crisps were/are the most popular food items in Britain, or were they just implying that I was/am unreasonable and a hindrance to others, and to basically 'put up and shut up'?

    Don't get me wrong; I have no beef with people who enjoy those dishes in general, nor do I hate such people, but I just can't bear the smell.

    Even seeing people dunking crisps (of any flavour, but especially salt and vinegar) in their cups of tea or coffee really makes me want to heave!

    I know I'll probably get shot down in flames by some on here and be accused of being prejudiced and intolerant of other people's foibles, but all the above things really provoke vast anxiety and discomfort in me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Food-related anxiety threads?

    I can't stand the smell of eggs either, but unfortunately they're something people like. If someone's eating egg sandwiches in close proximity to me I mostly just hold my breath or move away.

    Unfortunately, it's one of these things you have to learn to live with in a world you share; the people around you almost certainly hate the smell of some of the things you enjoy.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Food-related anxiety threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    I can't stand the smell of eggs either, but unfortunately they're something people like. If someone's eating egg sandwiches in close proximity to me I mostly just hold my breath or move away.

    Unfortunately, it's one of these things you have to learn to live with in a world you share; the people around you almost certainly hate the smell of some of the things you enjoy.
    Yes I know, and I try to be as tolerant as possible, plus I don't like to dictate to others what they eat (or not). I also try to keep a distance from others if possible while I'm eating, and if it's not possible or practicable I ask those in closest proximity if they mind me eating, which is being courteous to others.

    But there are certain occasions where some people seem to have a chronic lack of social awareness (not counting persons with disabilities) and not only chomp away on smelly foods without a care in the world but have also been known to breathe them into my face, especially on crowded trains and buses.

    I know eating and drinking is not usually permitted on buses but unfortunately there are sometimes the odd fellow passengers with a massive sense of entitlement who seem to think said rule doesn't apply to them, and would no doubt tell people to eff off who dared to complain to them.

    But thankfully pretty much everybody AFAIK seems to respect the no smoking rules on public transport these days, and I haven't known anyone wilfully break said rule and light up on-board for donkeys years (touch wood).

    But policing inappropriate consumption of food and drink on public transport is obviously more tricky (and indeed something of a grey area), even at the best of times.

  4. #4

    Re: Food-related anxiety threads?

    You're not wrong for disliking strong smells/tastes (eggs & vinegar crisps). Communicate discomfort politely. Manage triggers by stepping away, wearing headphones. Seek support from friends/family/therapists. You're not alone in this. Resources: National Autistic Society, ADD Association, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Be kind to yourself, advocate for your well-being. Good luck!
    You're not wrong for disliking strong smells/tastes (eggs & vinegar crisps). Communicate discomfort politely. Manage triggers by stepping away, wearing headphones. Seek support from friends/family/therapists. You're not alone in this. Resources: National Autistic Society, ADD Association, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Be kind to yourself, advocate for your well-being. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Food-related anxiety threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by Miu medical billing View Post
    You're not wrong for disliking strong smells/tastes (eggs & vinegar crisps). Communicate discomfort politely. Manage triggers by stepping away, wearing headphones. Seek support from friends/family/therapists. You're not alone in this. Resources: National Autistic Society, ADD Association, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Be kind to yourself, advocate for your well-being. Good luck!
    You're not wrong for disliking strong smells/tastes (eggs & vinegar crisps). Communicate discomfort politely. Manage triggers by stepping away, wearing headphones. Seek support from friends/family/therapists. You're not alone in this. Resources: National Autistic Society, ADD Association, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Be kind to yourself, advocate for your well-being. Good luck!
    Thanks very much for your words of advice MMB.

    Regarding the dunking of crisps (referred to as 'chips' Stateside, I know) into drinks; not only have I always found it gross but I've also always found such practices bizarre in the extreme.

    Then again, I suppose we all have our individual quirks and foibles unique to us, which I guess only makes us human beings after all.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Food-related anxiety threads?

    In the past people have attempted to guilt-trip me by saying stuff like 'those starving children in Third World countries would give anything for eggs and/or salt and vinegar crisps' and called me an 'ungrateful spoilt brat' for admitting to disliking such dishes.

    Well, sorry but it's not my fault that there's famines and dire poverty in such countries. And yes I do find reports of such things extremely upsetting and disturbing myself and also think 'thank God I'm not in such a dire situation', but it still won't convince me into learning to like 'hated' foods.

    In fact, I find people being made to eat and inadvertently 'learn to like' hated foods against their will just as cruel and inhumane as their deliberately being denied food and drink.

    I'm still seething with rage and a sense of injustice some 40 years later after certain staff at school tried to pull such strokes on me as a kid; trying to force-feed me stuff I absolutely hated till I almost gagged and got reprimanded for that (and on one occasion a whack on the bum for) as well.

    Sadistic insensitive barstewards, the lot of 'em, who actually weren't even fit to be working with criminals in prisons, never mind 'special needs' children!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Food-related anxiety threads?

    You need to move forward with your life.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Food-related anxiety threads?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    You need to move forward with your life.
    I appreciate what you're saying, but sometimes I can't help having flashbacks.

    They're sometimes triggered by seemingly random innocuous things, sometimes not even remotely connected with the original events concerned.

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