I went back to the doctor after experiencing bowel issues for a while and expressed I was still concerned that something was wrong.They have referred me for a flexi sigmoidcospy I think mainly for reassurance as all other tests like FIT and blood have been normal.

But this has just made me feel worse, I feel like I’d feel awful whether I was getting it checked or not. I am now just waiting for them to send the letter and I am terrified that I am going to have it done and there will be something awful like cancer behind my symptoms. Most of my symptoms do match colon cancer and I have lost a stone which I can’t really explain except maybe living alone and not eating as much as I used to. The doctor said they really didn’t think I had cancer of the bowel because my FIT test was negative but what if you don’t have blood since that is all it looks for ?
I have spent every day for the last four months just feeling awful.
I’d rather just not know and not have the test because of how anxious I feel now.