Hello all.

To recap, around 10 days or so ago while checking my mouth, I found a lump of sort. I have since seen two (!) dentist who said it was just a fordyce spot, nothing to worry about. It’s near the jaw hinge at the back on my soft palate.

Now. After the whole fordyce spot was done, I felt a weird sensation around the area. It feels like there’s something stuck there, a piece of tissue or a hair. At first I thought it was probably because I kept poking the area with my tongue and my finger sometimes, so I irritated the skin a little. But then there’s a new area where I feel this sensation. It’s more to the right, near my uvula. I feel like I feel it more when I drink water? Or just after I drunk water.

I realize what a crazy coincidence this sounds, cos I just happened to have a crisis in the left side of my mouth and then there’s this too nearby?! When I checked the mirror, I didn’t see anything, at least to my untrained eyes. And I figured the dentists would’ve seen anything cos it’s near my spot.

I did have a bad acid reflux that woke me up last week, that burned that side of the mouth. So I wonder if it’s cause of that. I read about globus, but they seem to be mostly in the throat and mine is in the mouth.

I reluctantly told my sister and she looked at me, all fed up, and suggested if maybe my mind’s making up this sensation. But I really do feel it. Thinking and focusing on it certainly doesn’t help though. I was so ready to enjoy Christmad and New Year but then this happened. I’m so upset.

Anybody ever had similar experience before? Thank you!