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Thread: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    I am 32 years old, Male health conditions are a hiatal hernia, PFO, Barrett's Esophagus, possibly some type of adrenal fatigue-type issue, but...we dont know and havent for years, it may all be from the hiatal hernia which causes me many symptoms...

    Anyway...I have Covid for the first time ever. My dad got it on the 23rd, my mom tested positive on the 25th, I tested positive on the 28th. The first night, I had excrutiating body aches, off and on scratchy throat, some fatigue, chills/sweats and a fever bouncing up to 101.3 and back down to normal. I had been feeling a little fatigue for the 2 days before, and I kind it was coming. Second day, body aches mostly went away, I had a fever still off and on all day 98.5-101, some fatigue and exhaustion, some scratchy throat, a little cough started, really bad nasal burning for minutes at a time. I could sit at my computer and game and function..ok, but obviously if I start moving or tensing up I felt it a bit. Day 3, was...very similar to day 2, actually the fever had gone down, I actually was thinking I was turning the corner. I still felt sick, I still had exhaustion, felt like my heart rate woudl jump up super easy still and a bit weak, except I had more muscle pains and back pains, sinus clogging, and more coughing but I still thought I was getting better....

    But day 4, which was today, I have way more pains today than I did the day before. Lots of back soreness, lots of muscle soreness...Not the same types I had on day 1, but still very noticeable. A lot of places especially upper body feel slightly tender to the touch. Fever has still been down...mostly, it has been popping up to about 99.5. but the fatigue/exhaustion/feeling like I may pass out has by far been worse than it has in previous days. Even sitting at the computer here can feel like much sometimes. I havent really had chills do I still feel pretty temp sensitive. The cough has been a bit worse than previous days, sinus congestion has gotten worse, and its really starting to bug my anxiety. I had zero appettite today also, which..for me...with some stomach issues I've had is..beyond rare, not in 6 years since they started, I pretty much eat on a schedule due to my stomach issues, and today is the first day that I just had zero appetite and had to force myself to eat anything.

    My dad tested negative and started improving on day 5, my mom is going on to day 7 now and has similar symptoms to me and still testing positive. Im starting to get really nervous about Long Covid and cardiovascular damage from Covid. I had done really...way better than I thought I would on anxiety with Covid, but I think it is throwing me off in thinking I had a chance of getting better quickly and coming back today feeling worse than the previous 2 days. So is it still normal that someone with Covid may not feel the symptoms worst until the 4th-5th days and still recover just fine? Im not expecting this to go away over night but...I was really looking forward to making some changes and getting into excersize and stuff more this year and...this is just ruining that too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    Chances are you'll be OK.

    Remember that for the most part, Covid right now isn't the big killer virus it was in 2020-21. Yes, there will still always be exceptions, but the headlines (at least here in the UK) aren't currently teeming with lurid stories about people dying of Covid en masse like they were this time 3 years ago.

    Also remember that there's still plenty of other things in everyday life that can potentially kill or harm us, but we don't usually give them as much as a second thought.

    Also you catching Covid for the first time 4 years after it first reportedly evolved is certainly some feat, having allegedly avoided it for this long!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    Yea, Im on day 6-7 currently. Its been very rough. The cold and flu symptoms from it actually arent bad. Some cough, some nasal congestion, a little fever. The worst part is the fatigue, the pure exhaustion. Not like sleepyness, but like any physical exertion at all makes me feel like im going to pass out. I am still testing positive. My mom is on day 10 and still experiencing the same and still positive. Also I've lost about 95% of my smell and 99% of my taste.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    Quote Originally Posted by Trbfan View Post
    Yea, Im on day 6-7 currently. Its been very rough. The cold and flu symptoms from it actually arent bad. Some cough, some nasal congestion, a little fever. The worst part is the fatigue, the pure exhaustion. Not like sleepyness, but like any physical exertion at all makes me feel like im going to pass out. I am still testing positive. My mom is on day 10 and still experiencing the same and still positive. Also I've lost about 95% of my smell and 99% of my taste.
    But at least you're not hospitalised due to your Covid, unlike many earlier in the pandemic.

    Ditto for your mom.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    I currently have it. From what I remember from last time was (this is my 3rd time), you start to feel better then you have a day or two of feeling worse again. Drink plenty, take paracetamol and rest as much as you can.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    My husband got it just before Christmas. He's still very tired and having naps on the couch during the day ( which isn't like him). We had it the Christmas before as well ( luckily this time it wasn't the whole family, just my husband). Took me a good month before I had somewhat normal energy levels again. I'd often feel ok and then the fatigue would suddenly hit again at random times during the day. I used to add those electrolyte tablets to my water and that helped a bit ( especially as it was summer down here).

  7. #7
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    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    Yes definitely, I've had nights already where im like "ok, cool..Im getting over this", then the next day I wake up and I feel worse than I had before. Thats when the anxiety and frustration hits. Like today...wasnt a bad day. Fatigue is obviously still there, but it wasnt awful.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2012

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    Yes, I havent been sleepy much, but I do get nausea/weak when I do things. I am really hoping it gets better soon. The am I getting better, then feeling worse thing is frustrating. I have an event I desperately want to go to in a couple months, and I am hoping so much that this doesnt take that away from me. But it will be a full day with miles of walking, I just want my energy back before that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    Quote Originally Posted by Trbfan View Post
    Yes, I havent been sleepy much, but I do get nausea/weak when I do things. I am really hoping it gets better soon. The am I getting better, then feeling worse thing is frustrating. I have an event I desperately want to go to in a couple months, and I am hoping so much that this doesnt take that away from me. But it will be a full day with miles of walking, I just want my energy back before that.
    I was just reading your posts. Sounds very similar to what I had last week. And now you've got the nausea aspect of it which is what I've had for the past 3 days. I'm feeling better today, and managed to eat something.

    Hope you're feeling better.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious

    So..I was positive for 12 days, now negative for 9 days. Still struggling with really bad fatigue, pressure around the bottom of the sternum/hiatal hernia area. coughing a lot, which is weird because for the first like..9 days I had very little coughing, now I just have a dry cough. Lots of pains all over still, stomach still feels messed up.

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