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Thread: Recurring anxiety dreams

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Recurring anxiety dreams

    My dream last night was about seeing a couple of old photos of my parents' old duvet cover being defaced with graffiti tags, which was not only dead bizarre but never actually happened IRL.

    Also in said dream my mom was telling me I was being really irrational about not liking said photos.

    I've also been having a lot of recurring dreams just lately about us returning to our previous house and the estate it's on, plus others about my second respite unit that I attended between summer 1991 and early spring 2006 that eventually closed around 2007 IIRC, but I had already stopped going by then as I basically didn't like it there anymore, plus my dad thought it was rather pointless me going there towards the end, plus of course he believed that someone else far more needy than myself might have benefitted more from it at the time.

    During said respite unit's last few years in existence, it was no longer the friendlier 'home-from-home' environment it once was during the most part of its first decade, what with 'zero tolerance' posters and policies, many of the best staff members there having been replaced by increasingly irate ones who seemed to come across as power-mad amateurs, and finally the place becoming increasingly unkempt together with a general sense of apathy and hostility, all of which I think reflected the general atmosphere and culture of the time particularly within Health and Social Care settings, also including many aspects of my previous day centre as the decade of the 2000s wore on.

    So apart from the absence of staff members smoking inside the building, that second respite unit eventually ended up being not that much better than the first one I attended during the very early 90s that I thought was god-awful in its own right at the time.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 28-01-24 at 10:55.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Recurring anxiety dreams

    I had another 2 anxiety dreams last night.

    The first one was about me and my dad returning to our previous estate as he went to pick up some second-hand chairs or something (this was from a part of the estate where the houses front onto pedestrian footpaths and the rear of the properties back onto a vehicular access road, known as 'Radburn' layout). In that dream I waited in my dad's van, and when he finally returned and was loading the items into the back of the van, I suddenly heard choruses of hooligan/yob-like shouting coming from somewhere in the vicinity, and I said to my dad 'Let's get the hell out of here pronto'!

    That dream could have possibly been triggered in part by me innocuously looking at old photos last night taken both inside and in the back garden of our previous house that conversely didn't represent anything negative.

    The second one was about me staying at this 'fictional' respite unit in Burton, and I attempted to play one of my favourite vinyl records on their record player, and then ended up erasing the contents, 'taped over' with sounds from the immediate environment instead, then the proper musical contents having resumed from the point where I lifted the stylus.

    I know IRL it's physically impossible to actually erase/record over the content of vinyl records, as they're a purely mechanical read-only medium (unlike cassette tapes, for instance) but many dreams, especially like this one, are most certainly bizarre!
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 11-02-24 at 09:16.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Recurring anxiety dreams

    Do you find your dreams are connected to things that you talk about during the day?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Recurring anxiety dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    Do you find your dreams are connected to things that you talk about during the day?
    I think they probably can be.

    My dad reckons that dreams usually have some kind of logic to them, even if the actual dream itself seems bizarre or downright nonsensical; e.g, one location/scenario morphing into two or more sometimes otherwise unrelated ones.

    I think my first dream last night about revisiting the estate we used to live on as a child and hearing the sound of yobs shouting there (albeit within earshot only and out of visual view) could have partly been triggered by me looking at old photos from our previous house there that we moved away from in 1985 when I was nearly 8 years old, no doubt coupled with my current obsession with graffiti and litter/fly tipping, though that never actually figured in said dream, nor did any adverse events (e.g, serious crimes or disturbances) knowingly occur during our time living on said estate.

    As for the second anxiety dream about music on vinyl records getting 'erased', which I know it's not actually possible to erase them or record over them (as on say, cassettes), it's probably anxiety about the thought of playing them on a 'strange' record player whose stylus and/or tonearm might not be in satisfactory working condition or may be 'maladjusted' (especially as many people who are unfamiliar with such devices unfortunately don't really understand or often can't comprehend how such things are meant to function), and the records end up becoming damaged or contaminated.

    Also some people unfortunately have never cared about handling and caring for records the proper way either, especially as I've come across some shockers in charity shops and the like over the years, especially 'sleeveless' records that were badly scratched and/or their centre labels defaced.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Recurring anxiety dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    I think they probably can be.

    My dad reckons that dreams usually have some kind of logic to them, even if the actual dream itself seems bizarre or downright nonsensical; e.g, one location/scenario morphing into two or more sometimes otherwise unrelated ones.

    I think my first dream last night about revisiting the estate we used to live on as a child and hearing the sound of yobs shouting there (albeit within earshot only and out of visual view) could have partly been triggered by me looking at old photos from our previous house there that we moved away from in 1985 when I was nearly 8 years old, no doubt coupled with my current obsession with graffiti and litter/fly tipping, though that never actually figured in said dream, nor did any adverse events (e.g, serious crimes or disturbances) knowingly occur during our time living on said estate.
    Strangely I still have a lot of affection for that particular area I lived in as a young child, in spite of its various ups and downs since our departure.

    True enough that estate did go through a bit of a bad patch during the 90s with car crime, burglary and bouts of ASB, which I reckon the 'Radburn' design/layout of said estate partly contributed to it being an easy picking for such things.

    But I haven't been aware of anything nasty/out of the ordinary happening there over recent years though, at least nothing of any major significance.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Recurring anxiety dreams

    Although I had this particular dream over a week or so ago, it's still been haunting my thoughts a lot of the time almost every day ever since.

    The dream in question was about the previous flat my maternal grandmother lived in (in West Brom) before she moved to the one about half a mile from where we currently live (in Tamworth), and that previous flat suddenly extended into further rooms with a second living room at the front (the actual living room was at the rear of the property), and a second bathroom/toilet.

    That fictitious 'second' living room in the dream really creeped me out as it looked like it had been abandoned for several years and there were old Christmas lights and decorations left up in there (ironically as my grandma didn't celebrate Christmas as she was a JW), and the basic decor and furnishings in that 'shadow' living room were of vary vivid colours (red, orange, yellow, brown, dark blue, etc).

    IRL my grandma had a big wall unit with loads of books stored on it, many of whose title spines were in very vivid colours.

    For some strange reason I can't shake off the intrusive thoughts about said dream, so it's clear it's had a major impact on me.

    Sometimes even something as innocuous as light levels (both indoors and outdoors) triggers me in respect to said dream.

    Utterly bizarre.

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