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Thread: Als please help if you can

  1. #1

    Als please help if you can

    I'm a 35 year old woman and have been having persistent muscle twitches over most of my body since last November. I wasn't too concerned as I take a steroid inhaler and oral steroids periodically for bad asthma. Also my potassium has been slightly low requiring supplements which I discovered about a month ago. 2 weeks or so ago I noticed a funny feeling in my left arm, feels weak and the muscles feel tight, mainly in the forearm. I think my grip is still strong as my husband said when I squeezed him hand. My gp has ordered bloods but have to wait a week just to get them taken and sent off. I of course googled and feel down the als rabbit hole and now I'm terried I'm going to die and leave my kids. Can anyone relate to my situation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Als please help if you can

    Muscle twitches were my first anxiety symptom. I woke up one morning and muscles were twitching over my entire body, 24/7! I didn't even know what anxiety or stress was at the time. So naturally I Googled and fell down the ALS rabbit hole, and with that a 9 year anxiety spiral. Don't be like me! Wait until your GP confirms what it is. I went to my GP 3 months later and she said: if you had come to me sooner, I could've told you 3 months ago this was all anxiety.
    It took a year for that to go away. And even today when I get really upset about something, I start twitching.

  3. #3

    Re: Als please help if you can

    I'm a fit non smoking male and have been twitching badly in my right bicep more for a month solid. It wakes me up at night and freaks the life out of me. it feels like it's numb or that I have butterflies in my arm as well as the twitching.
    The best thing i can say is that because I know I have health anxiety I try to think that the reason I have twitches is because I have health anxiety because I have stressed out hugely before on other things that turned out to be nothing.
    Recognise that you are anxious and accept what anxiety does to your body.


  4. #4

    Re: Als please help if you can

    If twitching was my symptom I think I'd be OK but it's now the weakness in my arm that sending me.spiraling!!

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