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Thread: Sausage lump in right side and pain

  1. #1

    Sausage lump in right side and pain

    I've been getting pain on and off in my right side for years. The last few weeks its been daily and I'm worried I have chronic appendicitis or colon cancer as the pain sometimes hurts when I press down in that area and I can feel a long hard lump.
    I can also feel this long lump slightly on the other side but it's defiantly not as prominent as the right. The ride side almost feels like a long hard feaces. But it's not because it never goes away even after a bowel movement.
    The pain in my right side is always changing. Sometimes sharp, sometimes muscular, other times higher up closer to my gallbladder.

    I have had internal pelvic ultrasounds done for other reasons and they never mentioned seeing any lumps in that area.
    I got an ultrasound today but they only scanned the upper half. I asked him if he was going to scan the appendix area and he said its referred pain and the appendix isn't diagnosed via ultrasound.
    He must have found something wrong to tell me it's referred pain.
    Just so scared of these long hard lumps, and pain. I'm terrified I either have a tumor growing or my appendix will burst at any moment.

  2. #2

    Re: Sausage lump in right side and pain

    The upper abdominal ultrasound was normal but struggling to get a Dr to give me a lower abdominal scan. I have this sausage shaped lump in my lower abdomen. Like a tube. I'm a thin person but I'm thinking if it was my organ I was feeling surely it would be on the other side too?

  3. #3

    Sausage lump in right side DRS making me more confused.

    I think I have had this long sausage lump in my right side for years but cannot be sure. I only remembered it as recently I've had a bit of pain on and off in that area and felt it while examining.

    I got an upper abdominal scan done the other week for the pain and that was normal, but they never scanned my lower portion where the lump is.
    I spoke to a Dr yesterday. She was so rude. Just said I'm not a Dr and I'm not qualified to diagnose myself (which I wasn't diagnosing myself, hence why I made an appointment) and then she said its most likely my colon but to come in an get examined.
    I went into a different Dr today and she said she could feel what I was talking about and because I was skinny it could be my bowel but she referred me for an ultrasound anyway. The thing is the ultrasound is a pelvic one which I already had one done earlier this year and that only looks at the reproductive organs.
    She said the bowel can't really be seen on a scan, but surely a huge solid mass/tumor could?

    Ugh so frustrated. Seems like I may have to get a invasive procedure done such as a colostomy just to be sure. Im terrified of general anesthia so that would be my last resort.
    I cannot understand why a ultrasound or even abdominal CT scan couldn't see the bowel/or a tumor.
    Just so scared that I'm allowing this thing to grow and slowly kill me. I hope it's my colon, but I doubt it. I can feel lumps on the left side too but I think that's stool as it's separated and tends to change shape after a bowel movement. This one on the right is permanent. In certain positions I barely feel it other positions it almost pops out it's so prominent.
    I don't think it's a hernia as it's not visible to the eye and is more of a long sausage/tube rather that a pouch. Also the Dr examined it with her hands and never mentioned a hernia.

    Does anyone else have this long intestine type lump?

  4. #4
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    Re: Sausage lump in right side and pain


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  5. #5

    Re: Sausage lump in right side and pain

    What have the doctors actually said they believe it to be? Are they referring you for a scan because they have stated they believe it's needed or because you've pushed so hard for it?
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  6. #6

    Re: Sausage lump in right side and pain

    hey I have exactly this too, long sausage like lump im only 22. It goes down when I press on it and it feels like it’s gas, but comes back up again. I have done ultrasounds as well and they came normal , as well as stool tests. What have you found about your lump ?

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