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Thread: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    I've been in its grip for just over a week now and I feel like I'm at breaking point.

    My symptoms;

    A new headache pattern. I don't normally get them but over the past couple of weeks I've had them literally every single day. What's worrying is that they seem to be worse on a morning and fade throughout the day. Painkillers do NOT help. Sometimes they'll come back at night. Sometimes it feels like the pain is across my forehead. Sometimes it feels like it's mild stabbing on the very top of my head.

    Tinnitus. I've had it for around a year and a half now.

    Vision issues. It only happens when I blink but it looks like the afterimage of a camera flash - this comes and goes.

    Awful short term memory. Had awful memory for years now.

    My leg and hand have been twitching. In bed this morning I kicked out for no reason - I'm reading it could be a form of seizure.

    Had some left sided facial tingling.

    I discussed things with my GP because I suffer with sinus problems. My ears also feel full. She doesn't think the sinus issues are causing it because that wouldn't cause pain on the very top of my head. She said if it's still going on in a couple of weeks to go back and go from there. She's lovely so I'm thankful I have a kind GP. She knows me so she knows what I'm thinking. Just said I'm 37 so I'm still very young to get them.

    The only tests I've had recently are a blood test and a clear eye test.

    I'm a wreck. I cried so hard last night. I'm forgetting what it feels like to live a normal life free from healthy anxiety.
    Last edited by Jase.; 03-04-24 at 10:59.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Slept for a grand total of one hour last night. Absolutely drained.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Are you taking any medication? Could be a side effect from medication. I've been waking up with a headache every day for weeks that painkillers won't touch, and found out it was a side effect from the Pantoprazole I've been taking for 10 months. Only recently started happening.
    I reduced my dose and I haven't had a headache in 5 days

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkling_Fairy View Post
    Are you taking any medication? Could be a side effect from medication. I've been waking up with a headache every day for weeks that painkillers won't touch, and found out it was a side effect from the Pantoprazole I've been taking for 10 months. Only recently started happening.
    I reduced my dose and I haven't had a headache in 5 days
    Just some regular medication I've had for years. Nothing new which would cause the headaches.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Could also be that you're biting your jaw while you sleep. That's also something I do that I don't notice, but gives me really bad headaches in the morning

  6. #6

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    I find sleeping on 2 pillows or a lumpy pillow will give me awful headaches

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Sat here at 2:15am in despair, crying. The pain on the top of my head seems to have moved up slightly and is even worse. Painkillers haven't done a thing. I can't handle this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2024

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Hey, I've been there. In January 2021 I had all the symptoms that you listed here. I also discovered then, that I have unequal pupils in my eyes. The fear took over my life, it was the worst HA I've ever had. Even my eye test came out funny and I was told that my intracranial tension was high. But guess what, MRI came back clear, I wasn't even referred to it, as my neurologist was sure that there was nothing wrong with me.
    I still get headaches (even made a thread about them recently), my tinnitus is here all the time (however gets worse when I'm anxious), my pupils are still unequal (1/5 of general population has unequal pupils genetically), my vision is better now, but I used to have blue flashes for a year, my memory sucks when I'm anxious, my face stopped tingling after I found another health worry, I often kick in bed for no reason - I guess it happens when I'm on the verge of falling asleep and my body reacts to dreams.
    And I'm still here, didn't have any tumour when all these symptoms lasted. You are safe and alright ❤

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucidite1 View Post
    Hey, I've been there. In January 2021 I had all the symptoms that you listed here. I also discovered then, that I have unequal pupils in my eyes. The fear took over my life, it was the worst HA I've ever had. Even my eye test came out funny and I was told that my intracranial tension was high. But guess what, MRI came back clear, I wasn't even referred to it, as my neurologist was sure that there was nothing wrong with me.
    I still get headaches (even made a thread about them recently), my tinnitus is here all the time (however gets worse when I'm anxious), my pupils are still unequal (1/5 of general population has unequal pupils genetically), my vision is better now, but I used to have blue flashes for a year, my memory sucks when I'm anxious, my face stopped tingling after I found another health worry, I often kick in bed for no reason - I guess it happens when I'm on the verge of falling asleep and my body reacts to dreams.
    And I'm still here, didn't have any tumour when all these symptoms lasted. You are safe and alright ❤
    Thank you my friend. Let's keep battling this horrible condition. I refuse to let it win.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Oh, yep, the unequal pupils thing, that absolutely broke me for a bit. I also get aura migraines. I actually went 27 years without an eye test because I was so scared of what they'd find; they found I could do with new glasses and my anxiety moved on, with a brief detour back to brain tumour after my first day with new glasses when I got 3 back to back auras.

    Stay strong, friends.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

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