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Thread: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Working, my temperature just went up tonight. It’s now 37.6, which is suppose to be a low grade fever is that right? Should I be worried? I’m starting to feel a little anxious and panicky.

    my blood pressure was 120-130/80-90 it fluctuated. I feel a bit shaky, maybe chills? This stuff frightens me, because of stuff like Sepsis, but I also know my parents had and still have a slight virus or something. Coughing, etc. They are both on antibiotics and mum is on steroids because of her autoimmune disorder. What should I do?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: enddd up at the out-of-hours doctor. Seen pretty quickly, my temperature and heart rate sky rocketed. It did come down, he took my temp, heart rate, oxygen, checked my ears and throat and checked my chest. My blood pressure was 123/90 which he said was high, which has concerned me because it was high when I seen the doctor last week. I’m wondering if it’s high because of the virus maybe? Is that very high for blood pressure or will it go down once the virus passes?

    He gave me some antibiotics Doxycycline bluefish 100mg 2x day for a week. It feels much better today, I don’t have any shivers and hot and cold, sore throat has gone but still coughing and still s little dizzy/woozy.

    I heard diastolic being higher is worse, and I’m concerned why mine is high or might it be just the virus causing it to be higher than normal?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Still having dizzy spells, they feel about the same but not as often. I thought it might have been down to this virus but I had this a week before I got the virus, so I don’t know. I thought it might have been the blood pressure but I am on half beta Prograne for my anxiety but it’s also for blood pressure, so not sure about that. I’m just confused and a little scared. The more stressed I get I suppose it makes it worse too. I feel generally okay, still have a bit of a cough and dry throat and some mild sharp head pains from the virus. Still on antibiotics for a couple more days on then too.

    yeah, don’t really know what to Think or feel about it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Hey, how you doing? This is classic anxiety. Anxiety throws all the symptoms.

    Why did your doctor prescribe antibiotics? Antibiotics are for bacterial infections - they do nothing for viruses.

    And why do you think you have a virus - just because you are hot and anxious? Sounds like anxiety. Think about it - you're on this forum.

    A note on your blood pressure - it's really not high. USA definitions of high are crazy high compared to the UK. My doctor would not be interested in that reading. And anyway, your blood pressure is going to be lower when you're not anxious.

    Trust yourself.

    And maybe get another doctor - but I doubt you need one.

    Take it easy.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @jayke sorry for late reply, it was an out of doctors I seen who gave me the antibiotics maybe because they didn’t know whether it was viral or bacterial. Also my parents both had a chest infection of some kind with sore throat cough and phlegmy chest. My mum also had headaches and a very high fever, I did get a high fever and a sore throat and a cough and that’s why I went to the out of doctors who gave me the antibiotics. I thought the dizziness might have been the viral or bacterial infection but I had it over a week before I got the virus or bacterial infection so I’m not sure.

    I finished my antibiotics today so I’ll see how my symptoms go from today onwards. It’s a weird dizziness it’s like being on a boat or being unbalanced and sometimes it’s like you’ve been pulled forward or you feel like you’re going to fall forward or just a woozy feeling. I think that’s what can make my anxiety worse and cause me to be really stressed and then tense which then probably makes the symptoms worse because I focus on it then and can’t concentrate so all you think about is the dizziness or the unbalanced feeling.

    I had seen my doctor the day before I’d gone to the out of hours doctor and she did all the tests checked my ears my temperature and my blood pressure which was a little high but I get that go in the doctors anyway. She was happy on her end and gave me some medicine that I could take that might have been for something called labyrinthitis but I don’t think she said I did have it because she checked my ears and they were all fine she said. Because I started the antibiotics I didn’t take that medicine so I’ll see how I feel over the next few days if it changes or anything.

    sometimes because you suffer with anxiety if you’re frightened that it’s something you don’t know like something to do with your heart or your blood pressure is getting to hire again to know and you know it’s causing this uncomfortable sensation. Are usually get it when I’ve been walking around and sometimes it’s kind of like a spinning sensation I just had an overwhelming sensation and tends to go away when I sit down relax or something. I know it’s probably exacerbated by my extreme fear of what I’m feeling and that probably makes the symptoms even worse than they just are.

    I wasn’t too bad yesterday I didn’t seem to have any dizziness yesterday until later that night so I don’t know what brought that on and then today I had dizziness almost on and off all day and it was worse when I was out walking around in the crowds and the noise and everything seems to get really really bad.

    I didn’t make myself worse awhile ago reading on Google all the things it could be and that probably hasn’t helped me overthinking all the things that it could be. Thanks for replying it does help hearing from others and not feeling so alone or that people understand what it is you’re trying to explain especially when you have nobody to tell this to.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: Finished my antibiotics Saturday, and funnily, Saturday I had no dizziness until later that night and since then, yesterday and today I’ve had that ‘fullness’ in my head, or woozy feeling, not sure how to describe it because sometimes it feels like that fullness is behind my ears. Definitely having some head aching on one side, and I know my mum said she’s having some mild headaches, but mine doesn’t feel like a headache, just like sharp pains or aching on one side.

    I’ve had this now for over 2 weeks, so not sure what it could be, my virus feels like it’s gone but their could still be some of it lingering in my system and it’s just the basic symptoms that have cleared up. I’m not even overly stressed, and it does come in waves, and I’m trying to make my days more peaceful and relaxing just to see if it helps.

    I do sometimes let my thoughts go to more fearful things like tumours and clots etc but not sure. Anyway, definitely feeling some type of stuffy sensation behind my ear or ears near my temple. Doctors did check my ears and didn’t see anything. My throat is a little dry but nothing since I started the antibiotics, and most of it seems cleared up just this dizziness persisting,

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me


    If it of any help I can relate to similar symptoms, pressure / fullness in the head (probably a tension headache), balance issues - it's not painful just weird. Have seen a Neuro had MRI on head all came clear and was put down to anxiety - these symptoms come on when around certain environments or people (such as workplace) and ease off as my mood increases and start to feel 'normal' again. It's almost like a fog building up during the day which then clears after about 2 hours of being home again - unfortunately have not found a cure to this to date, various medication did nothing for me.......

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Crispy Hi, sorry to hear you have something similar. Yeah, the fullness and balance thing is really weird and almost hard to explain to anyone without them raising an eyebrow, but it’s like your head is stuffy and spinning and you off balance or something. I did see my doctor 12 days ago, she did the basic tests, like balance, checking my ears and eyes etc and everything she said seemed okay to her. It was only my blood pressure that was slightly high but again that could have been because I was at the doctors and the next day I ended up catching the virus/bacterial infection my parents had, so that didn’t help.

    I wasn’t too bad today, and didn’t get any when exercising (only did 10 minutes at home), it’s mostly been this evening just before bed I got a spell of it. Because I’m thinking about it as well, I think it’s making me extra anxious and very hyper aware of the sensations and symptoms, so then I continue to fixate on it in case theirs any change, all the while causing more anxiety and stress. Exhausting really.

    I get bouts of it when I’m out, sometimes it’ll build and then pass again. Sometimes I get it a lot at home, and mostly when I’m up and moving around, maybe I don’t notice it as much when I’m sitting or I don’t get it as often I dunno. It’s very stressful, cause I’ve had it for 3 weeks now, and some days are good and some days are bad, some days I get barely any, maybe one spell of it and it goes away, others I have several and they last for so long.

    Its good to know your mri was normal and that eases some worries. I think I worry about really terrible things, like clots and tumours and I read Google so that makes it worse, like aortic regurgitation snd I didn’t even know what that was but now I do lol but yeah, all those things play on my mind when I get these.

    thank for the reply, it’s good to hear from others.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Hi, I think I have found that exercise is one of the best ways of relieving the head pressure - I very rarely experience problems when at home - it normally comes on when around other people. I find work days the most difficult to get through as I cannot reconcile easily with some of my colleagues, I also don't really like talking over the phone - not so bad at receiving calls - but making them...not so much. I find a lot of people very awkward to communicate with and stressful to be around....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    I've been dealing with the feeling of being on a boat since mid February. I was prescribed various vertigo medications, none of them worked.
    I went to a new GP today who didn't disagree that it could be anxiety, but she wanted to treat it like a physical issue first and then look at it being a psychological issue.
    She took bloods, then she'll refer me for an MRI and eventually an ENT. If nothing is found anywhere then we'll look at it being anxiety.
    I'm fairly convinced it's anxiety. If you search this forum, there are many threads about the being on a boat feeling

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