@Sparkling_Fairy Hi, yeah it’s like that feeling if you’re on a boat and falling to one side as it sways. Sometimes it’s a stuffy, fullness like you have a blocked nose but your head if that makes any sense? I suffer with pvcs and back at the end of January I was in the hospital and they did a ton of blood tests and my doctor also did bloods as well and all were normal. Also had ecgs etc and they were all normal beside the pvcs.

was at doctor almost 2 weeks ago and she did basic tests, checked my ears and eyes and she said she was happy that it was okay, and just gave me medication for labrynthitis I think it’s called, but next day I caught a virus or bacterial infection from my parents the next day and was on antibiotics. So didn’t take them, but I don’t think it was absolutely necessary but yeah. I’ve been getting some head pains, like mild, feeling like you’ve had your head tied up too long and is sore feeling.

maybe it’s tension and stress causing it. But yeah, I know a lot of it is anxiety and I get highly intensely anxious with any symptoms. I hope everything turns out fine and I’m sure it will with your mri, and it’s good your doctor is doing all this as well. I think it’s a vicious cycle because the more you get it the more you get anxious and you can’t focus because the symptoms are there.

thanks for replying, and hope it gets better for you soon. It’s very tiring and other than that, I have no other symptoms.