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Thread: Beyond peed off...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Beyond peed off...

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A View Post
    Yeah, man.

    It's a joke.

    This is all because I gave advice to a sadist sex worker online. I do not like to throw shade at what sex workers choose to do with their life, as countless people enjoy it. It may not be for everyone, but it is a mutual agreement between two or more consenting adults, so it's just like, whatever. But in general, talking sense at any of them is like trying to draw blood from a stone. They act so weird or uptight over what is basically nothing of consequence, because they have an ego problem. You just never feel as if you can gel with women like this, regardless of how attractive they look. And it is only gonna get worse.

    I always try to be fairly nice to these type of people, but all they do is act sinister, demand that "simps" pledge money and gifts and get labelled derogatory terms, and they always have a cold attitude.

    I was telling my co-pilot in jail about that Australian stalker of mine who always pursues me online, spamming on this anxiety help forum, annoying me on YouTube, and whatnot. This James guy, who is from Perth. He subscribes to every YouTube channel I open.

    He actually made a flash image of me once with a picture of me in a toilet, saying "I pissed and sh*t on you today, retard!" My cellmate said he was a right cheeky one.

    The problem is, civil cases are not available through legal aid. And when I contacted the court in WA, they took ages to tell me that my best option may be to hire private legal support internationally. So even though my benefits are increasing now, the legal costs for these situations are just too ridiculously high when it comes to dealing with all of these idiots, at the one time.
    I believe you've been shat on and exploited by these so-called sex workers who are often out to groom vulnerable individuals like us. Ditto for County Liners who also wreck the lives of already vulnerable people.

    The trouble is, the authorities have been far too gutless to deal with these 'underclass' elements effectively for far too many decades now.

    'Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime', 'Tough on Broken Britain', 'Hug-a-Hoodie', 'Big Society', blah blah blah?

    My backside!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Beyond peed off...

    On a more positive note, my sister is expecting a baby girl in July. However, I know social workers will intervene again.

    It's sad. She had three sons taking away already, but they stopped her contact long ago. She has been left in limbo about their lives.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Beyond peed off...

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A View Post
    On a more positive note, my sister is expecting a baby girl in July. However, I know social workers will intervene again.

    It's sad. She had three sons taking away already, but they stopped her contact long ago. She has been left in limbo about their lives.
    I've always found social workers rather inconsistent.

    Especially as one minute there's hardly a dickie bird from them for ages (especially on occasions when they're needed the most), then the next minute they're suddenly in contact with me and my dad all out of the blue and seemingly at random, regardless of whether or not we truly require their intervention in that particular moment, then they they crawl back into the woodwork once again for another eternity.

    I'm not for one moment bashing them all; just stating my perception of their seemingly random and often arbitrary contacts with us, especially every now and then when and where they feel compelled to be seen to be doing something.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Beyond peed off...

    I was considering becoming a father by donating my sperm, because at my age, my chances of having a lady companion are diminishing. I am the only one in my family who doesn't have any kids.

    I feel like when people give me advice to only date other autistic individuals, they mean well. But I think the trouble is that I have never found anybody to click with. I also never go out. The world is too big and mean.

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