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Thread: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Crispy yeah, usually when I do focused exercise it seems to help, and mine was worse when I did the grocery shopping today, I found the noise and rushing around stressful and seemed to have that surreal sensation while shopping. It’s eased down a llittle now, but it took a while when I got home too, I’m also getting sharp head pains, mostly right side but sometimes on the left side. Maybe tension.

    Yeah I struggle with phone calls too, not so much talking to people in person but I understand that feeling. I hope it gets better for you, I’m exhausted and just want to stay in bed all day everyday and not do anything but obviously I can’t.

  2. #22
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fairy Hi, yeah it’s like that feeling if you’re on a boat and falling to one side as it sways. Sometimes it’s a stuffy, fullness like you have a blocked nose but your head if that makes any sense? I suffer with pvcs and back at the end of January I was in the hospital and they did a ton of blood tests and my doctor also did bloods as well and all were normal. Also had ecgs etc and they were all normal beside the pvcs.

    was at doctor almost 2 weeks ago and she did basic tests, checked my ears and eyes and she said she was happy that it was okay, and just gave me medication for labrynthitis I think it’s called, but next day I caught a virus or bacterial infection from my parents the next day and was on antibiotics. So didn’t take them, but I don’t think it was absolutely necessary but yeah. I’ve been getting some head pains, like mild, feeling like you’ve had your head tied up too long and is sore feeling.

    maybe it’s tension and stress causing it. But yeah, I know a lot of it is anxiety and I get highly intensely anxious with any symptoms. I hope everything turns out fine and I’m sure it will with your mri, and it’s good your doctor is doing all this as well. I think it’s a vicious cycle because the more you get it the more you get anxious and you can’t focus because the symptoms are there.

    thanks for replying, and hope it gets better for you soon. It’s very tiring and other than that, I have no other symptoms.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Am pretty sure these symptoms are related to anxiety / stress. I went out for a run with running club friends last night and felt fine, today - after having a slight disagreement with a colleague and the head pressure is back and will probably just keep building until the day is over. Have been looking at other jobs and have a call with a recruitment consultant later today and am dreading it, will probably be hard work and unpleasant just increasing my anxiety. I think honestly during the hours of 9am and 5pm I would rather not exist, but unfortunately have to go through this facade each day in order to survive.

    Hope you are ok but I am fed up and feel in a big black hole from which I see no escape.....

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Crispy I’m sorry to hear how your feeling, I’ve been in very similar situations with friends and colleagues and it caused me lots of anxiety and stress too. I’m sure once you get everything sorted work wise, some of that intense tension may go away for you. If you ever need someone to talk too, you can always message me, even just to vent about stuff.

    I hope we both start feeling like ourselves again and the stressed and anxiety of just symptoms like I’m having ease and go away. In the meantime, don’t let yourself fall deeply into despair, I’ve been there many times but I fight to survive and it’s hard but we’re not alone. Honestly, even just to know that another understand eases some of that loneliness or despair.

    Again, if you just need to vent or talk, send a message anytime and I’ll always get back. I may not get back straight away if I’ve forgotten to look on the page but I’ll always check often just in case.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @mischamoonlight - That is very kind, if only more people is this world could show a little more compassion and understanding to each other instead of competing / trying to constantly outdo others and have no patience. I applied for a job but think it may be unsuitable for my personality being in telecommunications and PE backed this may to aggressive an environment for me - the location was also slightly further away and am not particularly fond of driving either (mainly down to the aggression of other drivers) am not looking forward to telling this to the recruitment consultant.

    On the positive side, thank god it is the nearly the weekend - 2 days of no head pressure or brain fog !

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Crispy We all need more compassion, theirs so little of it in the world and around us, and I think when you are highly aware like ourselves, especially with anxiety, you notice little things and it effects you more. I hope you figure out something with your work and eventually something will land that will give you a bit more peace of mind and let you relax on having that worry hanging over you.

    Yes! At least theirs a weekend to just shut off and let yourself relax for now. If you do need to talk, I’m here even on weekend.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: I started taking that medication my doctor gave me 2 weeks ago (but remember I had started antibiotics so only trying them now). Their called Betahistine Dihydrochloride 8mg.

    Not sure if it’s the medication but I notice my dizziness comes on quite strongly soon after taking one and I get this fullness sensation in both ears. It’s very strange. It settles down later and then I’m okay for a while, but I read that this medicine takes a while to kick in so I’m only starting on it. It says 3 times a day, 6-8 hours apart, and I think I remember my doctor saying I can take 2 or 1 if it starts improving. Anyone had this medicine before? Anyway, still having bouts of this sensation.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Today I’ve had more dizziness, definitely more ‘on a boat’ sensation when I’ve been walking or standing. I notice after I take that medication I get a worse episode, and that fullness around my ears. Maybe it’s helping I dunno. I’m feeling stressed about all this, and I did see the doctor 2 weeks ago, and she said she was happy with everything, when she did the balance tests, checked my eyes and ears etc. that’s when she gave me the medicine, which I only started taking yesterday. I’m taking them 6 or so hours apart. Does it get worse before it gets better? I’m not sure, I just feel scared again, worried that theirs something else sinister going on, like it’s 3 weeks already, I think the longer it lasts the more scared I get.

    my mum told me my grandma use to get vertigo, so I’m not sure if this is it and does it work like that? My doctor a year or so ago had done a test to see if my eyes jittered but they didn’t so he didn’t think it was that.

    Im exhausted. I get momentary relief for s short while before another episode of dizziness hits and of course it stresses me out. Even the back of my neck at the base of my hair is sore today, but that might be from my neck being bent down looking at my tablet working all day or looking at my phone.

    I mean, should it last this long?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me


    i don't recognise the medication you have been prescribed but assume it was more related to ear balance issues rather than anxiety / stress. Over the past few years I have used a couple of anti-depressant style meds (amitriptyline / sertraline) and have to say they don't seem to have any effect on me (I still get daily head pressure whilst at work) other than I now excessively sweat and get dehydrated very easily. I also notice that if I stop taking these meds that after a few days I get very strange brain zap sensation in the head - just a waning should your doctor recommend these.

    The worst episode of dizziness I can remember was from driving home after work, it felt as if I was drunk with vertigo and severe derealisation - I barely made it back and was physically sick. This was a scary episode I thought I was either dying / or just about to completely pass out.

    Maybe a suggestion to keep a diary of when the dizziness strikes and what your circumstances were when feeling odd (like around certain people or places) and keep this for your Doctor to analyse ?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Have you noticed at all that it goes hand in hand with heart palpitations?
    I'm starting to think my on a boat feeling is not actually vertigo, but strong heart palpitations that are making my whole body move.
    I don't feel my heart beating hard, but it's almost like it's beating really deep into my chest and my body seems to move with the rhythm of my heartbeat. So I think mine may be related to heart palpitations

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