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Thread: I'm terrified that I might have a brain bleed!😨😞

  1. #1

    I'm terrified that I might have a brain bleed!😨😞

    Hi guys, how's it going? I know the title is pretty self explanantory, but I'll try to elaborate on the situation as best as I can. Over a week ago, I had a couple of head injuries, mostly along the lines of hitting my head against a cabinet door in the kitchen, or against a low ceiling. I've had quite a few concussions in the past, so I'm familiar with post concussion syndrome. A couple of nights later, I started feeling really off, so I drove to the ER and told them what happened. They didn't do blood testing or look for any neurological symptoms, unbalanced pupils, weakness in arms/legs, etc , but they DID perform a non-contrast CT scan. The result was negative, and the Dr. gave me the usual info regarding TBI's, and sent me on my merry way. It's been a week since then, and although I haven't had anything like thunderclap headaches, loss of balance, or one pupil bigger than the other, I've been through spells whether my memory seemed on the verge of non-existence, and just completely off mentally. I HAVE had head pains that are like jabs occasionally, followed with dull headaches. Ill be honest; I've dealt with anxiety when it comes to hitting my head, especially it happening too often, but I've been trying to just tell myself I'm overreacting, but I keep worrying about possibly having a delayed brain bleed. I'm not really sure how accurate a CT scan is after 48 to 50 hours. I'm a 40 y/o male, obese(300 lbs), hypertension, and classified as prediabetic, although my A1C is at 5.7. Was hoping somebody else who's been through similar circumstances might be able to share their experiences. The headaches I'm having range from dull pain, to occasional jabs. I'm trying to trust the results of the CT, on top of having regular pupils, not feeling weak in arms or legs, etc. Sorry to be a pain in the backside. Thanks so much again.🙂🙏

  2. #2

    Re: I'm terrified that I might have a brain bleed!😨😞

    Sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. I am just like you. Always looking for the next catastrophe

    However, you might also be like me in that you can be much more rational with someone else's situation and I just want to say you are ok. CT scans are excellent. Trust the hospital and son't decide what tests they might have done that they didn't.

    We fear future problems and that's our difficulty. I don't have a quick solution for that. It's a journey. Counselling/therapy needs to be on your agenda too. But, for as long as this reassurance will last, I am happy to give it and I am sure that you are going to be ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: I'm terrified that I might have a brain bleed!😨😞

    Hi Rob

    I did exactly the same thing with bashing my head on a wooden cupboard door. Because I didn't go dizzy and felt ok at the time I didn't seek any medical attention. However, days after I kept getting these sharp dagger pains in the top of my head. But also I was at the height of my anxiety. I did go to see a Dr who didn't seem concerned and basically said there wasn't much he could do for these sharp head pains but said it could last for upto 3 months! Strangely that was the time it took to clear. But... I know I occasionally get a shooting head pain with anxiety and the same with sinus congestion, a migraine, wearing a hat too tight. So I'm never certain of the real cause.
    I've also banged my head so many times and mostly it's been tender for a few days.
    The skull acts as protector and as far as a bleed I would think you need an almighty hit for it to bleed and even then it's highly unlikely.
    People bang their head all the time. Doors, tables, cupboards, trees, falls.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: I'm terrified that I might have a brain bleed!😨😞

    I hit my head, cheekbone and teeth on concrete (twisting my ankle on my flip flops I fell from standing height) Apart from dramatically dragging myself to the sofa and wailing a lot, I’ve come to no harm. Yes I had a banging headache for a while but it went. So did my flip flops….Mr.D hurled them straight into the bin.

    And I can’t tell you the times I’ve opened a cupboard door, forgot and then walked into it. He reckons I’m born clumsy.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: I'm terrified that I might have a brain bleed!😨😞

    I've been hit on the back of the head by a full-sized glider before - as in, a light aircraft. It was being turned on the ground and like an idiot, I was walking in front.

    I felt horrendous for a couple of days, but no harm done.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  6. #6

    Re: I'm terrified that I might have a brain bleed!😨😞

    Thank you guys, I really appreciate the support. I WILL say that despite trying to believe the best and that the scan results are correct, something still seems off. It's as though part of my brain isn't working right at all(I know, it's a dumb thing to say). It's like my reaction time for certain situations is really off, my walk seems unsteady, even though I don't stumble or struggle to walk, and just simple thought process in general feels like a massive feat, or it's almost impossible. I would like to be able to go to my GP and get a referral to do another scan, but sadly, I don't have the money or the insurance. Not a great situation, but it can't be helped at the moment. I started thinking about unruptured brain aneurysms, which didn't help AT ALL, but trying hard not to. I would think if I had a brain bleed, I would be feeling a lot of pressure inside my head. The only reason I thought about aneurysms is because I know they can cause pain above and behind the eye, but many are asymptomatic. Sorry, I know I'm irritating, but it's a real struggle. I'm also concerned because it seems difficult to spell or say things at times.

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