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Thread: OCD about witnessing parents losing it with their children in public

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    OCD about witnessing parents losing it with their children in public

    Yesterday me and my dad popped into our local Home Bargains store to buy a couple of things to use as props in a video we're involved in the production of, and while there were no actual issues/incidents in or outside said store, I was constantly hypervigilant in case I witnessed irate parents whacking their children and/or swearing loudly and aggressively at them, or lighting up cigarettes in their cars with their children present when we were walking across the car park. Ditto for when I was at the supermarket near my day centre the other day.

    TBH, I've had this obsession with irate parents aggressively (and sometimes violently) losing their temper with their kids in public, which I remember being quite a common sight (and earshot) back in the 90s and even into the 2000s, and certainly wasn't pleasant to witness.

    And yes, at the opposite extreme, I know some kids also have a tendency to run riot in shops and the like seemingly with impunity (which can also get on my nerves on occasions), but witnessing such kids being on the receiving end of vicious wallops and/or loud tirades of F-bombs from parents/carers who are seemingly unable to control their nasty tempers in public (and probably even more so in the privacy of their own homes) really enrages me and the very thought of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and witnessing such events really fills me with dread big time!

    Does anyone else feel like this whenever they witness these kind of events, or am I overreacting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: OCD about witnessing parents losing it with their children in public

    So nobody cares then?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: OCD about witnessing parents losing it with their children in public

    I think it is overreacting Lencoboy.
    Do you find yourself looking for said actions before they have even happened?
    Are you going to these places expecting to have these fears confirmed?
    Are you fully engrossed in the purpose of your visit / task?
    Are you in the moment or thinking of past situations?

    I used the word 'fear' but it can also be better described as a bugbear. Something that irritates you, makes you angry, something you think shouldn't be happening at all.
    It's a negative thought, possibly a throwback to the past which may still be happening now.
    You've got to think, is there anything I can do about this, avoid this, prevent this. If the answer is 'No' then you are wasting energy and emotions which could be better directed elsewhere.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: OCD about witnessing parents losing it with their children in public

    Exactly, Carnation, I just think it would be better for Lenco to look for positive outlets for his energy.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: OCD about witnessing parents losing it with their children in public

    Thanks for the replies Carnation and BlueIris.

    Having thought it over I probably am a bit overly paranoid, and of course old habits die hard.

    But on the other hand, I suppose it's not really my problem for the most part, plus it's probably been at least 10 years since I last witnessed a child being smacked and/or sworn at loudly by its parents in public.

    Also my dad said to me yesterday when I expressed such concerns to him that incidents of that particular nature are fewer and far between nowadays, plus he believes that most parents are wiser and better educated now as well, and of course less liable to smoke around their children now compared to most past decades.

    But I'm feeling far better now I've vented my spleen over it and received answers.

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