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Thread: WAITING FOR BIOPSY. Scared, please help

  1. #1

    WAITING FOR BIOPSY. Scared, please help

    So just for your sake I'll copy past my story;

    So. This is my situation now; on my inner labia i have a brown 'mark'. It doesnt look like a mole, its more washed out, and I have had it (at least) since I was 18 (im 23, soon 24 now). Back then I panicked (as i am doing now) and had a doctor look at it - she said it was nothing. For some reason my fear for this is back now - i have convinced myself, that I have vulvar cancer/vulvar melanoma.:(

    The mark hasnt changed, and when I googled 'melanosis labia' (a benign condition) it looks kind of similar. It hasnt changed in these last 5-6 years. Vulvar cancer is super rare and I'm in the wrong age group. Plus, I have - for other reasons - been seen by a gyno probably 7-8 times in the last 2 years. They didnt notice anything, but then again - I didnt point it out to them.

    Monday this week my GP looked at it at said it is benign and nothing to worry about. I didnt feel confident in her to be honest, so yesterday I decided to go see a private gyno. He agreed that it looks innocent, but he took a biopsy anyways, I think just to be safe and for my reasurrance.

    Now i'm worried sick that i have vulvar melanoma. It's rare but it's aggressive.
    Please help me, im in a state.:/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: WAITING FOR BIOPSY. Scared, please help

    I wish there were words to quell your worry but you'll know soon enough that both doctors were right and your anxiety was wrong.

    What you're going through is quite common for the HA sufferer. Your mind spirals thinking the worse, you go to the doctor and are told all is fine, disbelieve that, see a specialist are told again and tested for reassurance which sends you spiraling. Despite all the positive reinforcement, you grasp desperately to the worse case scenario.

    Once you get the all clear, it would be good to ask your GP for a referral for some therapy. Get some dragon slaying tools to fight off the negative thoughts.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3

    Re: WAITING FOR BIOPSY. Scared, please help

    I really really hope your right. Thank you for the clever words, and I totally agree with you - it's just a lot easier said than done, when you're 'in it'.

  4. #4

    Re: WAITING FOR BIOPSY. Scared, please help

    I know this was almost a decade ago, but what were your results lol

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