It’s absolutely wild, I agree. My mom got really anxious after reading her results and then googling the meaning (she doesn’t really even have HA) and her doctor was really confused why she would do that. I would guess most people would?

I was ranting to a friend the other day, but I’m just really frustrated with doctors as of late. It seems like whenever I have an issue, they try or test for one thing and then just go “Im not sure, what do you think it is/what do you want to do next?” As if I have any kind of education to make that decision, and as if I’m not consciously trying NOT to google different things.

But hey, I also thought I had a physical with my new doctor in May - turns out the NP coded it as a “recheck” and my new doctor doesn’t actually have any physical appointments until 2025. I would love to know what she is doing with her time.

(sorry for the rant - I hope it all turns out well, and I’m sure it will!)