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Thread: My anger has never been this bad

  1. #21
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    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    You're not naive wired, you are kind. That's the difference.
    If that guy mentions about staying again or turns up just say you can't because it was noticed by neighbours and you are not allowed people stay over if not immediate family. Or say your son was upset. Or just say you can't.

  2. #22
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    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    I've had to block him. He's quite pushy when it comes to visiting. He had a bust up with his misses, and is now in a hotel. I feel for him, I do. I've been there. But he can't live life surfing sofas and treating peoples property like it means nothing.

    His views are quite extreme. I can't have that in my life. I'm trying to get better.
    I'm hardly surprised he and his other half have split up. Especially for him having such extreme views on certain things and for being so reckless and careless with his smoking habits, especially in the home.

    And while it usually pains me to see people homeless, I can't help thinking in the context of your old mate's selfishness 'tough titties'.

    He just sounds like an selfish, undeserving taker (and loser) who has little to no respect whatsoever.

  3. #23
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    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    That's terrible that the staff ignored it. There's little compassion or care in the system anymore. It's hard to find a good center. I used to love the center in my old area but sadly budget cuts meant it had to be closed down. I miss that. The staff actually cared, and went out of their way to help with whatever problem you had.
    Those 'stalking' incidents from that other client were back in around 2004, before all the cuts lark, although I have a feeling the authorities were at it in some form or another even back then, albeit more subtly than during the past 10-15 years. In fact, there was even much speculation about our local CC (Staffs) closing many of the day centres back then in the mid 2000s, predating the Global Financial Crisis, let alone the Tory govts from 2010 onwards and Blair and Co getting it in the neck at the time.

    TBH, I don't think there's ever really been much compassion within the care system. It's pretty much always been dogged by poor management and certain people with agendas who are often all talk but actually can't be bothered a lot of the time, coupled with the 'blame culture' and chronic lack of accountability.

    And this has been under both Tory and Labour govts.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    For some strange reason this morning I seem to have an irrational hatred of the actor Ricky Tomlinson, most notable for playing Bobby Grant in Brookside and was also one of 'The Royle Family' later on.

    He has always seemed extremely volatile, chauvinistic and perpetually angry, both in his acting character roles and IRL, as in the latter case he's always had militant tendencies and was infamously one of the 'Shrewsbury Two' back in the 70s where he and his fellow 'partner-in-crime' were both arrested and charged with public order offences.

    I was by chance watching a couple of old Brookie episodes from early 1984 on YouTube last night and as the character Bobby Grant, the way he seemed to treat his family was well and truly appalling at times. One scene in particular that made my blood boil was where Damon had been suspended from school for various 'misdemeanours' (including being 'fitted up' by one of his fellow female classmates with a rude Valentine's card to one of his (female) teachers that the girl falsely signed in Damon's name) and the Grant family were having a massive row during dinner over it which lead to various other niggles coming out about things like the general state of the country back then concerning pertinent issues like the recession and resulting unemployment epidemic of the time, Sheila's indignation about Bobby being lazy, constantly pubbing it and not lifting a finger with housework while he was out of work at the time and she was out cleaning other people's homes as a partnership business with one of the other female residents of the Close, and Bobby boasting to be 'man of the house', whether working or not.

    The row in said scene got so nasty that Bobby ordered the whole family to leave their meals, sent both Damon and Karen upstairs so that he and Sheila could continue their epic dust-up in the kitchen behind closed doors with Damon speculating to Karen in the bedroom upstairs about the possibility of their parents ending up getting divorced (which did eventually happen 4 years later in 1988).

    God, that was the main scene that made me really mad, the thought of an entire family inhumanely being ordered to leave their food by the 'man of the house' which was like 'collective punishment' for the entire family. I'm so glad I never had that 'little Hitler' of a man as a dad in spite of the fact that my own parents were no strangers to epic rowing and screaming on occasions but almost never as extremely and inhumanely as Bobby and Sheila Grant. And yes I know it's actually fiction but it seemed so realistic and true-to-life in many respects. But most ironically Bobby never seemed to give Damon the belt, which was still fairly common for many dads of that ilk around that time.

    I keep having irrational fantasies about challenging Ricky Tomlinson to a dust-up in real life by saying provocative things like 'to hell with the miners' strike', 'to hell with your poxy beloved trade unions', etc, so he'd then probably lamp me one and put me in hospital, and then brag to the courts that I 'deserved it' for pushing him to it!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    Morning Lenco, I'm actually quite glad I'm not alone in my irrational anger/hatred. I don't know much about Ricky, but I did love the old Brookside as a youngster.

    My anger today has been quite bad. I had to leave the house to go tesco and while in the store there was loud music playing. I couldn't focus on anything, or remember what I needed. I started getting angry that the store is trying to control what I buy by confusing the life out of me. So I called for the manager to explain, and tbh he was quite understanding and changed the music to something soft. I know it's not his fault, but in that moment I just had to speak to somebody. I left the store and forgot some things so got half way home and had to turn back. I was in a complete rage by the time I got home. It started raining really bad and my natural response was to shout at the sky and stamp my feet home.

    Thankfully I can control myself to the point I'm not outwardly angry or destructive. But it wasn't always this way.

    The big question is, why do we get angry in this way over things that other people do not seem to care about? What's the magic fix for this? I get into spirals sometimes where I'm convinced life/the-universe/the-man-upstairs is doing this on purpose

    Do you have any methods on controlling anger when it gets like this, or do you just ride it out/
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  6. #26
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    Mar 2020

    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    Morning Lenco, I'm actually quite glad I'm not alone in my irrational anger/hatred. I don't know much about Ricky, but I did love the old Brookside as a youngster.

    My anger today has been quite bad. I had to leave the house to go tesco and while in the store there was loud music playing. I couldn't focus on anything, or remember what I needed. I started getting angry that the store is trying to control what I buy by confusing the life out of me. So I called for the manager to explain, and tbh he was quite understanding and changed the music to something soft. I know it's not his fault, but in that moment I just had to speak to somebody. I left the store and forgot some things so got half way home and had to turn back. I was in a complete rage by the time I got home. It started raining really bad and my natural response was to shout at the sky and stamp my feet home.

    Thankfully I can control myself to the point I'm not outwardly angry or destructive. But it wasn't always this way.

    The big question is, why do we get angry in this way over things that other people do not seem to care about? What's the magic fix for this? I get into spirals sometimes where I'm convinced life/the-universe/the-man-upstairs is doing this on purpose

    Do you have any methods on controlling anger when it gets like this, or do you just ride it out/
    Good question.

    I know it's highly unlikely I'll ever meet Ricky Tomlinson face-to-face and I know Brookside is fiction, but I just happened to see red at those scenes I watched on YouTube last night where I believed he (as Bobby Grant) treated his family inhumanely by making them all stop performing a basic necessity of life (eating their food) because he disagreed with Sheila for writing a letter to Damon's school condemning his caning (which incidentally was outlawed in schools IRL just over 2 years later) and could just tell Bobby was of the typical 'a bloody good hiding never did me any harm' brigade and he just came across as a sadistic bully who seemed to be milking his then-current bout of unemployment to the max to justify his antics, though legend has it that he was always an extremely fiery, dictatorial and volatile character for donkeys years prior to his redundancy in late 1983. Bobby also seemed to have the hypocritical 'do as I say, not as I do' kind of attitude.

    My own dad was made redundant in early 1987, 3 years after these episodes were first aired, and although there was obviously a fair amount of consequential rowing and screaming between my parents at that time (and twas ever thus long before then anyway), my parents' dust-ups were actually far tamer than those acted out between Bobby and Sheila Grant, and probably most other families IRL, both back then and now. My dad had eventually found full-time work once again some 18 months or so later (plus my mom had already been working full-time herself since the latter half of 1986) but their rowing still persisted on and off for years after (over various other issues of old and new) with my mom still bringing up my dad's 1987 redundancy in arguments even some 25 years or so later by which time it was all 'water under the bridge' and of course all its attendant issues having long been resolved.

    I just can't stand people who are perpetually angry, shouty and aggressive and feel extremely triggered by them, mostly in the case of Ricky Tomlinson aka Bobby Grant rather than my dad, even though both he and my mom have been known to trigger me on the odd occasions in the past.

    I can definitely relate to your grievances over loud background music in Tesco's earlier today. Some of it really does my nut in big time in shops, especially if it's certain songs/musical styles I'm not too keen on myself, let alone stuff like bright flashing lights, brash, in-yer-face, in-store adverts (both audio and visual), plus I dread the thought of witnessing irate parents hitting their kids and shouting and swearing loudly at them in such places, though thankfully (touch wood) I haven't noticed such incidents for probably about 10 or so years now but certainly remember witnessing such incidents on a regular basis during the late 80s, 90s and 2000s, especially from 'pleb'-type parents who thought they were all 'ard and untouchable!

    People driving cars aggressively (especially souped-up ones) sets me on edge too, especially with loud rap or ravey-type music blaring out of them with the windows wide open (again trying to appear 'ard and macho), particularly near my day centre.

  7. #27
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    Mar 2020

    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    For some strange reason this morning I seem to have an irrational hatred of the actor Ricky Tomlinson, most notable for playing Bobby Grant in Brookside and was also one of 'The Royle Family' later on.

    He has always seemed extremely volatile, chauvinistic and perpetually angry, both in his acting character roles and IRL, as in the latter case he's always had militant tendencies and was infamously one of the 'Shrewsbury Two' back in the 70s where he and his fellow 'partner-in-crime' were both arrested and charged with public order offences.

    I was by chance watching a couple of old Brookie episodes from early 1984 on YouTube last night and as the character Bobby Grant, the way he seemed to treat his family was well and truly appalling at times. One scene in particular that made my blood boil was where Damon had been suspended from school for various 'misdemeanours' (including being 'fitted up' by one of his fellow female classmates with a rude Valentine's card to one of his (female) teachers that the girl falsely signed in Damon's name) and the Grant family were having a massive row during dinner over it which lead to various other niggles coming out about things like the general state of the country back then concerning pertinent issues like the recession and resulting unemployment epidemic of the time, Sheila's indignation about Bobby being lazy, constantly pubbing it and not lifting a finger with housework while he was out of work at the time and she was out cleaning other people's homes as a partnership business with one of the other female residents of the Close, and Bobby boasting to be 'man of the house', whether working or not.

    The row in said scene got so nasty that Bobby ordered the whole family to leave their meals, sent both Damon and Karen upstairs so that he and Sheila could continue their epic dust-up in the kitchen behind closed doors with Damon speculating to Karen in the bedroom upstairs about the possibility of their parents ending up getting divorced (which did eventually happen 4 years later in 1988).

    God, that was the main scene that made me really mad, the thought of an entire family inhumanely being ordered to leave their food by the 'man of the house' which was like 'collective punishment' for the entire family. I'm so glad I never had that 'little Hitler' of a man as a dad in spite of the fact that my own parents were no strangers to epic rowing and screaming on occasions but almost never as extremely and inhumanely as Bobby and Sheila Grant. And yes I know it's actually fiction but it seemed so realistic and true-to-life in many respects. But most ironically Bobby never seemed to give Damon the belt, which was still fairly common for many dads of that ilk around that time.

    I keep having irrational fantasies about challenging Ricky Tomlinson to a dust-up in real life by saying provocative things like 'to hell with the miners' strike', 'to hell with your poxy beloved trade unions', etc, so he'd then probably lamp me one and put me in hospital, and then brag to the courts that I 'deserved it' for pushing him to it!
    While still on the subject of 'Brookside', there were a couple of other characters that I have an irrational hatred of. The first one is Paul Collins who is (by stark contrast to Bobby Grant) very Right-wing in his political views but is still very abrasive, domineering and highly opinionated. In one episode (aired in early January 1984), Paul was one of the head men at some kind of college-type place somewhere in Liverpool and was really berating the efforts of one of the students there which led to the student concerned telling Paul to 'stick it' and Paul then summoning said student into his office for a loud reprimand (like a school headteacher reprimanding an errant pupil) with Paul shouting and yelling at that student in extremely condescending ways and the rest of his fellow students then downed tools in protest and Paul then started having kittens and acting like a Sgt Major saying 'he will not tolerate insolence nor shoddy work from any of his students'. I then thought if I was in that one student's shoes I would have felt extremely tempted to kick Paul's office desk over and be arrested for it. I also felt like I wanted to slap Paul in the chops, just like I felt like doing to Bobby Grant a few episodes later.

    The second character who I also feel like slapping and challenging to a dust-up is Marie Jackson, who Sheila Grant actually had an epic dust-up with in the Close an episode or 2 earlier. A right foul-tempered b1tch who was rather slap-happy with her own kids, constantly yelling and screaming at them, and also smoked a lot, which was rather strange as very very few of the other regular characters in the Close ever seemed to smoke, even back in the early-to-mid 80s.

    I would take great pleasure in physically restraining that lousy potty-mouthed c*w; she used to get mega hysterical at times!

    I'm not actually intent on violence to other people IRL but I just can't help having fantasies about picking fights with those 3 gobsh1te barstewards from Brookie!

    How about that for an imaginary episode scene; Lencoboy terrorises Brookside Close and exacts vendetta on his despised residents!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    Well I've calmed down a lot over the past couple of days and realised Brookie is only fiction (which I already knew anyway).

    I also used to get quite emotional about certain scenes/storylines in Phil Redmond's other mega show 'Grange Hill', especially where Bronson seemed hell-bent on making certain pupils' lives a misery (especially Danny Kendall and Ant Jones) and came across as an abrasive 'little Hitler' who seemed untouchable and extremely opinionated, especially when and where he used to dish out detentions willy-nilly without even caring to reason with certain pupils' lateness for lessons, etc, which was sometimes unfortunately beyond their control.

    The Gripper Stebson storylines were extremely cringeworthy and often hard to stomach at times. I bet if it was in real life now some 40-odd years later he would have no doubt been dragged kicking and screaming from the school premises by the police and ended up in a YOI. Ditto for Imelda Davies in 86-87.

    On the flip side, I found characters like Tucker, Alan Humphries, Zammo (in his earlier years as a pupil before his drugs debacle), Gonch and Hollo, Ziggy Greaves and Trevor Cleaver to name but a few of the pupil characters quite hilarious at times, especially their many timeless catchphrases and general humour.

    Even Bullet Baxter I find quite amusing at times. I used to nickname him 'Cud' for some strange reason.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 03-06-24 at 11:05.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    I get that with the music wired. It can be so distracting and at times irritating. Especially if loud.
    Pleased you spoke to the Manager. I'm sure they don't want to lose customers.

    Here's one for you lencoboy.
    How do you feel about Christmas music being played in shops? For me, it's pushing the 'be happy and get in the zone' attitude. I personally cringe and sometimes walk out if I'm not in the zone.

  10. #30
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    Mar 2020

    Re: My anger has never been this bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    I get that with the music wired. It can be so distracting and at times irritating. Especially if loud.
    Pleased you spoke to the Manager. I'm sure they don't want to lose customers.

    Here's one for you lencoboy.
    How do you feel about Christmas music being played in shops? For me, it's pushing the 'be happy and get in the zone' attitude. I personally cringe and sometimes walk out if I'm not in the zone.
    God, don't get me started on flaming Christmas songs being played in shops, pubs, etc. I used to like them when I was younger but now they're one of many banes of my life during November-December where we have to put up with the same old same old overplayed stuff from Slade, Wham, John Lennon, Elton John, Wizzard, Mariah Carey, Pogues, Cliff, etc, while any 'newer' stuff, regardless of how good or bad it actually is automatically gets pooh-poohed with the notion that 'the old 'uns are always the best'!

    For crying out loud, all the 'old 'uns' were 'new 'uns' once upon a time, especially prior to our bittersweet obsession with nostalgia that has become increasingly apparent over the past 25 years or so, which I personally believe has been largely responsible for stifling originality over the same period, coupled with general laziness; though I suppose in fairness the past 25 years have been the period where the Internet has been a thorough mainstream medium, which has obviously facilitated our ability to 'backtrack' to any past era of our personal choice.

    As for Christmas for me personally; as I've already said (and covered) in other threads on here before, it basically died for me some 30 years ago when I reached the age of 17, which also followed a succession of major personal life-changing events during the latter half of 1993 and the first half of 1994.

    On the other hand, I kind of feel guilty for coming across as a miserable, boring old git.

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