The dog almost certainly doesn’t have rabies, but policy when bitten by a dog is to make sure it is up to date on shots, and potentially do a quarantine. I was “bitten” by my own dog while playing and the doctor was forced to report it; the sheriff had to come see him and then again 10 days later, plus I had to provide shot records. Rabies is exceedingly rare, but one of the reasons it is so well controlled in the US is because we vaccinate our pets and we keep on top of incidents like this.

It sounds like she is being really helpful, which is good. I’d be sure to follow up and get a copy of the records from her and then you can probably call it good. If you end up at your doctor, they would probably have to call animal control who would then take over collecting the shot records and imposing a quarantine, which this woman probably knows so she’ll be motivated to work with you individually.

I know how stressful it is - I had to do the rabies PEP last summer and it’s such a terrible headspace to be in, knowing you’re probably okay but you still have to cover all of your bases. Hopefully the woman gets back to you today and you can put it all behind you.