Thanks, Poppy

I called my insurance company yesterday and they told me they had no record of my doctor's office calling for preauthorization of my CT scan. I don't necessarily blame my doctor - I think some wires got crossed, probably due to the fact that all of my communication with her was through e-mailing the patient portal. First she said she'd be sending me for an ultrasound, to which I replied "I don't need preauthorization for that but what should I ask for when I schedule?" and she replied with "Abdominal CT scan with contrast". So she may have seen "I don't need preauthorization", not realized she had said "ultrasound" first, and figured I could just go ahead and schedule.

So after I talked to my insurance company I called her office and they were very apologetic. The medical assistant who handles these things wasn't going to be in until today, and they said they would take care of it when she was in. Hoping to hear from them at some point today.

So I've lost more than a week. Originally the plan was to have the scan and discuss it with my doctor at my appointment on May 16, but at this rate, I might not even be able to have it until after that. I almost feel like the universe is doing everything it can to make sure this thing goes undiagnosed (have to laugh or I'll cry...)