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Thread: Sick kids and inconsiderate people - A Rant.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Sick kids and inconsiderate people - A Rant.

    I have a problem. I hate when people send their kids to my house when they’re sick, but no one else cares. Literally no one and I come off the crazy one.

    My friends know that I worry about germs. They know my kid gets sick easily. Last week, one mom sent her kid here sick and then AFTER she left texted me a passive aggressive apology because she “just realized” I was probably “flipping out” because her kid had a runny nose. It really made me mad - the condescending text even more than the sick kid.

    I vented to my other friend who was really understanding, but then just sent her kid here coughing up a storm.

    I know kids get sick. I know I’m the odd person out here. But I’m SO EXHAUSTED. I have a lot of important things come up and I just don’t want us to be sick. My daughter just had Covid and it was really stressful and exhausting keeping my husband and I from catching it.

    How do you all stop caring about this? How do you stop being so exhausted by trying to keep people healthy? I’m just so tired.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Sick kids and inconsiderate people - A Rant.

    I agree and I don’t know how to get over it either.

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