Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
I wonder if your panic attack in the supermarket was triggered by anything specific (if you don't mind me asking), e.g, certain stimuli such as lighting, sounds, odours, items on display, etc, or perhaps just your general state of mind right now?

Not only did I feel a little nauseous concurrently with the flashbacks to my often agonising trips to the old Sainsbury's store that used to be in the main (indoor) shopping centre in our town centre up until around the very late 80s as a child most Saturdays, but my dad also said he had felt a bit faint himself while he was in there today but didn't tell me until we arrived back home.

My dad said he hated the old Sainsbury's site with a passion himself, especially as he thought it was too cramped, could often sense tempers fraying among other customers, him often struggling to find somewhere decent to park in the adjacent multi-storey car park, and the general chaotic nature and atmosphere of the place at the time.
Women's stuff, Lenco, sorry, I was pre-triggered and only left the house because we needed a new duvet set.

That said, plenty of shops make me nervous because of narrow aisles and overstimulation. The places we visited today are both spacious enough that I don't mind them, but smaller supermarkets leave me feeling uncomfortable every time.

I feel so guilty about saying it, but while the covered market in Cov is wonderful, the acoustics feel wrong to me on a fundamental level and because it's circular, I struggle to navigate it despite having lived here over 20 years.