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Thread: Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

  1. #1

    Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

    Hi all,

    I’ve not posted on here for a while as I’ve been feeling better, but the last couple of months have been rough and I’m in need of a bit of support please.

    So mid march, I had a day where I suddenly felt really warm, my cheeks were tingling and I felt rough. I put it down to a general onset of a cold. HOWEVER, the face tingling didn’t disappear! I went to the dentist and they said I had a tooth infection, went on antibiotics for a week, face tingle still remained. went to the doctor and she thought I had shingles! Told me to go back if not resolved in 3 weeks.

    3 weeks went by and I still had tingling on the left side of my face. This time, she shrugged me off and said it’s anxiety. And told me to go back to the dentist. I went to the dentist and had X-ray. Today I had a very minor filling and they said all the teeth are fine.

    I’ve started to get tingling in my chin and now I’m freaking out! I made a huge mistake and started going back on Dr google!! I read up about Numb chin syndrome!! Now I’m scared about cancer etc again. I also still have some tingling in my left cheek.

    I was in what I would like to call Anxiety Remission for 2 years. Came off the meds, cleared off anxiety, depression and de-realisation and de-personalisation syndrome vanished and I was looking more positive.

    Sorry for the long post I just needed to get it out my head and hopefully get some support from people wh truly understand. Can anyone relate?


  2. #2

    Re: Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

    I get all sorts of tingling. It's v much an anxiety symptom. I am thinking that the dental issues made you more aware of that part of your body and now you are noticing stuff. I hold my jaw badly when tense. In fact I am in a bad period at the moment and have a habit of chewing the neck of my t shirt. It gives me muscle tension and makes things feel weird. Maybe the dental work changed your jaw position a little bit and you are aware of that. A millimetre can make all the difference.

    It can be disappointing when anxiety comes back and you realise it's a chronic illness that you may have a battle with at certain times in your life so also worth checking in with yourself to see if there is a trigger/stress thag has made this come up now.

    I've become more aware with this site that it only works if we also help others. We have a tendency to only be here when we need help so pay it forward when you can and even if you feel better.

  3. #3

    Re: Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

    Thank you for replying Joobug and for the advice it’s greatly appreciated.

    Thinking about what you said, you’re absolutely correct. That area has become the area of focus. And I am noticing it more. Amazing how a bit of rationalisation can help. I think with health anxiety we’re all tuned to go worst case scenario first then work backwards.

    I most definitely will be passing forward from now on. You’re right as soon as we feel better, we forget some of the people, posts and support that got us there.

    Hope your having a good weekend.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

    Hi Angler, i also use to get tingling with anxiety when mine started 10 years ago it’s what started off my run journey of the hell that is HA. It carried on until I went on antidepressants and once they settled in I forgot about it and it went away. It started in my arms then legs and the more I thought about it the worse it got. Like joobug says as you were made aware of that area your now focused on it and it’s so hard for it then to go. I got so fixated on my breasts last year thinking I had breast pain (think it started with a dodgy bone)then that’s all I could focus on the pain got so bad, I got checked out they said there is nothing to worry about and only then did it go away, our minds are far to clever in my mind.

  5. #5

    Re: Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

    I had lip tingling badly around 5/6 years ago for a brief period. The more I focused on it, the more anxious I felt.. the more it tingled…

    I’d then google what that could mean.. which of course resulted in more anxiety…

    In the end I was so focused on my other ‘anxiety symptoms’ I simply forgot about that one & it vanished

    Our good old anxious minds hey - we get every symptom in the book and self diagnose ourselves with something terrible every other month

    get it checked out with the doctors purely for your own peace of mind

  6. #6

    Re: Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

    Very true, anxiety is a royal pain.

    I thought I’d post an update. Went back to the doctors yesterday and saw a lovely doctor. She said that it’s most likely neuralgia causing my face tingle etc and has put me on amitriptyline for a month on a low dose. The doctor thinks my issue is too localised to be anxiety.

    It was nice that a doctor didn’t just play the anxiety card straight away (unlike the gp I seen before). I actually felt listened too for a change.

    However my day went to pot big time yesterday as my wife had some blood results back and now she is being investigated for possible blood cancer. I’m trying to stay strong for her but it’s hard.

    Thank you for reading

  7. #7

    Re: Back after a few years of what felt like recovery! new symptoms set me off!

    Quote Originally Posted by Angler88 View Post
    Very true, anxiety is a royal pain.

    I thought I’d post an update. Went back to the doctors yesterday and saw a lovely doctor. She said that it’s most likely neuralgia causing my face tingle etc and has put me on amitriptyline for a month on a low dose. The doctor thinks my issue is too localised to be anxiety.

    It was nice that a doctor didn’t just play the anxiety card straight away (unlike the gp I seen before). I actually felt listened too for a change.

    However my day went to pot big time yesterday as my wife had some blood results back and now she is being investigated for possible blood cancer. I’m trying to stay strong for her but it’s hard.

    Thank you for reading
    Glad you felt heard af Doctors but so sorry a new stressor has arisen like this. But do remember that it might well all turn out to be ok.

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