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Thread: People, please help me, falling apart!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    People, please help me, falling apart!

    I apologize in advance for the long post, but I need some words of comfort and reason.

    About a month ago I started getting altered taste in the mouth, which after a few days became sort of sweet and almost constant. I was very scared of Lung C. induced SIADH (hyponatremia), which is very rare but presents with sweet taste of all food. I could still taste my food, but the sweet taste was present all the time before eating, and would come back after eating. Went to see my doctor on April 18th and he did not think it had anything to do with lungs, but offered Metabolic Panel blood test, because all these rare Lung C. cases , no exception, had severely reduced sodium in blood, which somehow was connected with the sweet taste. My sodium came normal ( actually on the higher end of range). He listened to my chest and said everything felt normal. He advised if this continues to see ENT doctor. I was OK, for a couple of days, but then ( at least I think), the unpleasant, sweet-ish taste worsened. I also in the meantime developed compulsive swallowing , feeling of post nasal drip and feeling of having to clear my throat frequently, as if there is something there all the time. Also, when I swallow, often there is this almost gurgling in the throat.

    I became very scared and anxious, and few days ago visited another doctor, explained to him in details, and he also advised to see ENT doctor, thinking it may have something do to with this year’s severe pollen season ( I suffer from allergies all my life). He refused my idea about lungs, but said that I should simply do a physical after ENT visit. My ENT visit is this coming Friday, May 17th. I should also say that I thought I had silent reflux last fall, and saw this same ENT, and after exam he assured me there is nothing wrong in that sense.

    I wake up every morning with the worst dread of having to face the day and my fears. I do not know what this possibly could be, and why it is so persistent. I thought that if my anxiety was creating it, it would disappear after good sodium levels, but it did not, and now I am not sure of anything any more. I also have no appetite because nothing tastes normal ( or at least I feel it does not). My last extensive blood work was in late September 2023 and was normal. Could both bloodworks be wrong? I am female, 62 years old, former social smoker. I have not smoked for almost ten years now. I calculated my what they call year pack, and it is less than 15 years at worst, probably 12 or 13. They recommend screening if your year pack index is 20 or more.

    Thank you for reading and maybe replying.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: People, please help me, falling apart!

    Your anxieties lie mainly not knowing the cause.
    Obviously I can't diagnose you and you are seeking all the medical attention possible.
    The thing is, if you have something like this, you are going to be focusing on it 24/7. Expecting everything to taste as it shouldn't and causing you worry.
    When I read your post I personally couldn't see anything that would flag up anything serious and it does seem doctors are testing you for various things.
    I had a bitterness taste going on at one time and no matter what I ate or drank it was still there.
    I didn't go to the doctor about it because I was convinced it was an anxiety thing.
    But you could test your taste buds with savoury with individual items. I hope you can find some calm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: People, please help me, falling apart!

    I know you mentioned it, but this sounds exactly like silent reflux. Did the ENT you saw in the fall actually to any testing for it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: People, please help me, falling apart!

    That's a good point Erin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: People, please help me, falling apart!

    Carnation and Erin, thank you so very much for replying.

    In October the ENT did only "mirror" tests, looking deeper into the throat ( looked inside nose as well), and he said at the time that there was no inflammation, redness, or anything he thinks would require any other tests. I will see this coming Friday what he says now, and I will give him more details about how it feels. The worst thing is that since last evening, out of the blue, I have this mild pain in a spot in my chest. Feels like a pain when I take a deep breath, and at moments start hurting even without breathing deep, and then it stops. I am getting myself into panic. We are supposed to go on a short vacation for my birthday ( June 2nd), but I feel like we should cancel it at this point. I am scared and for sure cannot go anywhere without knowing what is going on with me. I feel like this cannot be good, all these symptoms, but still deep inside , keep on hoping that I created through my anxiety, most of the symptoms.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: People, please help me, falling apart!

    Pain in your chest coupled with the taste thing for sure sounds like silent reflux! I've been suffering with it for years and everything you've said would point to that for me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: People, please help me, falling apart!

    Sparkling Fairy, thank you. I certainly hope you all are right. I will ask the ENT also if this would be in any way connected to lungs, and if he thinks I need a scan. Two previous doctors did not think so.

    Every day is a struggle, for sure.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: People, please help me, falling apart!

    Just to update on my situation: had a lung scan - all normal. Unremarkable, as they put it. Doctor ordered a myriad of blood tests, very detailed, including comprehensive metabolic, and CBC with differential ( some of the details even I could not recognize) - all normal. Nothing below or above normal range. Covid 19 antibodies GG spike , moderately elevated, which means I probably had covid with some vague symptoms not too long ago ( my allergies were so severe this year that I might have had it without knowing). However, she said the antibodies were not high enough to explain change in taste / smell perception.

    ENT did not think anything other than mild "silent reflux" is going on, and since he knows me, added that my anxiety and hyperfocusing is probably making me notice it so much (swallowing, post nasal drip, throat clearing). He said my tongue was little raw, but I have been scrubbing it for more than a month and he told me to stop adding it may temporarily numb the taste buds.

    My doctor wants me immediately back on Lexapro, and , just for now, occasional Clonopin.

    My mind feels better with such good results, but I am still unpleasantly nauseous, which feels little better when I eat ( although food still does not seem attractive). I did lose some weight, but I have been unbearably anxious for more than a month. What now?

    Thank you for reading.

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