SO FRUSTRATED. Need to vent.

As I had mentioned, my insurance company was dragging their heels approving my CT scan. The poor lady at my doctor's office had been fighting so hard for me. She was just out for a few days, and before she left gave me the case number and said it probably wouldn't hurt to call and harass them a little myself. So I called on Tuesday, gave them all my identifying info (name, DOB, insurance member ID # - there should've been no doubt who was calling) and when they asked, the case number the doctor's office gave me. The guy I spoke to said the request had been approved as of Monday night and when I said "So I can go ahead and schedule this scan now?" he said "Yes." So I did.

The lady from my doctor's office comes back today and calls me about half an hour ago to tell me they denied it!

So I tell her I spoke to them, they told me the opposite, and I already had the scan scheduled. She asks me which case # I have (which is the one she gave me - I wouldn't have had any way of getting that myself). I give her the first three numbers and she says "That's already totally different from the one here."

Someone is dropping balls. I don't know if it's my insurance, my doctor's office, or what. But now I have this test scheduled for five days from now and no way of knowing who's going to end up paying for it. I certainly can't afford it. The good news is that I have the name of the person at the insurance company I spoke with, the date and time I spoke with him, and assuming they're being truthful about all calls being recorded, proof that I was in fact told I could go ahead and schedule it. My doctor's office thinks the insurance company is mixing up paperwork or something. I don't even know if that's possible; I guess it is. I don't care who's at fault, I just want it straightened out. This has already been such a stressful experience and they're making it so much worse.

That's all. I don't expect any advice or anything; I just needed to get it out somehow. Hope everyone's having a better day!