Hi. Not written on here in a long time, but i do visit daily.
Goodness my anxiety is rubbish, and I’m currently in such a state. Usually I worry about a health issue but tend to feel I’m in control of the issue I’m worried about, but currently I’ve a Uti, and I desperately tried to see my dr, but my surgery is almost impossible to get an app, but manage a brief phone app and my dr prescribed an antibiotic so I gladly went and picked it up, FF to last night I started feeling unwell, slight temp, slight raise in heart rate and generally feel yuk, so I rang 111 and they called me in to an out of hours surgery and changed my antibiotics to something more substantial. And sent me home.

Anyway here I am in an absolute tizz because I’m so frightened the antibiotics won’t work, and I’ll end up extremely ill and then it will be too late. Why am I doubting the doctors? Why do I doubt them and what they’ve prescribed .. I’m absolutely petrified I can’t think straight. All my worries always seem so justified and real, when my husband thinks I’m being extremely daft.

Any reassurance welcome
