Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
The UK still publishes COVID stats: https://ukhsa-dashboard.data.gov.uk/

I'm not sure how accurately they reflect the number of infections. Most just ride through it like a flu and don't test.

The also show influenza, but interestingly they don't show the number of deaths from that.
TBH, I don't think most people really seem to even care anymore.

But surely if another variant of Covid (heaven forbid) suddenly emerged in due course, then it probably would be a major news story once again.

And then if that hypothetical 'new' variant turned out to be no worse than existing ones, the media would no doubt drop the subject like a hot potato once again, similar to when there was a brief scare about yet another Omicron sub-variant last August-September, then quickly forgotten about afterwards after it proved to be no more harmful than then-existing ones.

Plus regarding the number of deaths for influenza not being covered by that dashboard site you have linked, it seems that hardly anyone has ever given as much as a flying fig about those, but always made a song and danced over Covid-related deaths.