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Thread: emetophobia

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi, you're definitely not alone! I have a fear of vomiting too, I say fear rather than phobia as I've been sick a few times and just had to deal with it! I too had it since I was little. I was sick when I was about 5, then not again 'til I was 16, and let's just say I overdid it on the brandy and cokes on my But I was so panicky about being sick I was running round like a madwoman, thus I didn't manage to do it in the loo or sink and my mum and best friend had a really nasty cleaning up job to do![:I]

    A couple of years later I had a few days of the gastric flu. I thought i was gonna die! I was at my grandparents at the time and my Nan who had just had a major cancer op was looking after me, and then there was me acting hysterically just coz I was puking. It really should've got it in perspective for me, but alas it didn't!

    Even now, if I've had a few too many bevvies and feel queazy, I pray and pray that I won't be sick, and touch wood, 9 times out of 10 I haven't been.

    I personally put it down to the time when I was 2 and almost choked to death on a sweet. Only my Mum's long nails saved me! I also used to have a fear of swallowing tablets, so I think I'm just phobic of anything blocking my throat, which applies to the sickness phobia too I suppose.

    Does anyone else have an occurance they can link their phobia with?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello everyone...

    since my first post, i have have tried beta blockers, come off them and now currently seeing a hypnotherapist. I have been to three sessions and although i have only been hypnotised once, i have found it to be working. We have mainly tried EFT, accupressure and accutapping and i have found it useful to have a technique to fall back on if i feel sick or in a state of panic.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    My mum suffers from this too. Even being in a pub/on a bus with a drunk person can set her off. It`s so bad that my sister was ill recently with a tummy bug, and when she was vomiting, my mum hid in the kitchen and shut the door. My mum`s phobia comes from her father, who had parkinson`s disease, and was very ill towards the end of his life. She naturally connects the two. Going to see the psychologist was fruitless - he told her to listen to tapes of people vomiting, with a view to watching a video!! Needless to say she was out of there!


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    This is one of my biggest fears too. I think I can remember evry time I was ever sick, although I'm not fearful of others being sick, unless they have a tuumy bug I could catch. I'm pretty sure mine started because of my mum's fear. I was always a bad traveller, even worse when I was little and my mum would panic if she thought I was going to be sick travelling, so I learnt that it was something to cover up and be ashamed of, almost, as it would upset my mum so much. I was determined when I had children not to make a big deal of it. Just shows what we pick up, doesn't it? I wish you all the best.E-mail anytime if you would like to.

  5. #15
    You know it is kinda wierd but I have a extra muscle in my stomach that I am not suppose to have.
    It is attached to my diaphram, It enables me to pump my own stomach.
    So i can vomit just as easily as I can blink my eye.
    This comes in handy when I need to get out of work!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi everyone,
    im a new member so im not sure how this works but... I couldnt believe my eyes when i saw that other people actually have this stupid phobia aswell!! do you all feel silly like me when you are out, someone gets a little drunk and you end up hysterical in the corner??
    I have been phobic of being sick since i was 2 (im 17 now) I managed to avoid being sick for 15 years however, i caught a bug in october 2003 and went through the worst experience of my life... as a result I had daily panic attacks, became permanately breathless and actually kept forgetting how to swallow and choked regularly whilst eating. I have began CBT and have to say that im not getting very far with watching the videos etc as i know in my head that they arent real, has anyone got any tips for me? this is ruining my social life and i cant go on like it. Thanks


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